The epistle of the apostles.

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Ben C. Smith
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The epistle of the apostles.

Post by Ben C. Smith »

Epistle of the Apostles

Sources: Codex Vindobonensis 16 (olim Bobbiensis), Folio 67; a Coptic manuscript housed in Cairo; Ethiopian manuscripts 51, 90, and 199, inventoried by Antoine Thomson d'Abbadie.
The epistle of the apostles is only barely epistolary in form. Its existence seems to have escaped the notice of ancient Christian authors.
Index to other epistolary texts.

Text and Translation

Codex Vindobonensis 16 (olim Bobbiensis)
Codex Vindobonensis 16 (olim Bobbiensis)
Folio 67 Recto, Column V
1 Nos enim temptantes,
2 q̣ụo[d ve]ṛẹ ịṇ [car]nẹ
3 ṛẹṣụṛẹ[xerat], ọṛạ[mus]:
4 Iụsṭọṛụṃ [........]
5 [.............]
6 ṇ[.............]
7 n[...........]
8 [.....] ẹṣṣẹịịunịṣ[..]
9 et [.............]
10 [...............]
11 [...............]
12 [................]
13 in c̣[aelo] [......] ịṇ[.]
14 [..............]
15 [..............]
16 [...............]
17 [................]
18 eṭ [.............]
Folio 67 Recto, Column V
1 Touching him, therefore,
2 tha[t he had tru]ly resurrec[ted]
3 in [the fle]sh, [we] pray[ed],
4 "Of the just [........"]
5 [.............]
6 ?[.............]
7 ?[...........]
8 [.....] ??????????[..]
9 and [".............]
10 [...............]
11 [...............]
12 [................]
13 in h[eaven] [......] in[.]
14 [..............]
15 [..............]
16 [...............]
17 [................]
18 and [.............]
Folio 67 Recto, Column VI
1 [Quae il]le [manifes-]
2 [tavit sunt quae] ḍi[cit]
3 [nobis:] Ḍum ṿẹnịọ [per]
4 [patrem omni]pọ[tente(m)]
5 [transie]ns caelos, [sa-]
6 [pientia ind]utụ[s su(m)]
7 [patris et t]uṃ viṛ[tute]
8 [sp(iritu)s s(an)c(t)i pe]r ṿirt[ute(m)]
9 [patris]. Et [cora]m [arch-]
10 [angelis et] angelis p[er-]
11 [trans]iens in simil[i-]
12 [tudinem] effigies il[lo-]
13 rum quasi unus ex [il-]
14 ḷis veṛ[tutes] ẹt p̣ot[es-]
15 ṭạtes et p̣ṛincipes [su(m)]
16 [transgressus] e[t ei-]
17 [us, qui me misit, p]oṣ[se-]
18 [di sapientiam.] Aṛ[ch-]
Folio 67 Recto, Column VI
1 [The things which h]e [manifes-]
2 [ted are the things which he] sa[ys]
3 [to us:] While I am coming [through]
4 [the omni]po[tent father,]
5 [goin]g [across] the heavens, [Í]
6 [ass]ume[d the wisdom of]
7 [the father and t]hen the str[ength]
8 [of the h(ol)y sp(irit) throu]gh the stre[ngth]
9 [of the father]. And [befo]re [the arch-]
10 [angels and] the angels, going
11 t[hrough,] in the simil[i-]
12 [tude] of th[ei]r likeness
13 as if I were one from among [th]em,
14 st[rengths] and pow[e]rs
15 and princes,
16 [through them] a[nd p]os[sessed]
17 [the wisdom of him who sent me]
18 [sent me.] The ar[ch-]
Folio 67 Verso, Column VII
1 [ang]elus Michael et
2 [G]abriel et Uriel et Ra-
3 [f]ael palam comitati
4 [s]unt mihi usque ad
5 q̣uintum caelum,
6 [p]utantes me esse unu(m)
7 ẹx eis. Talis data est po-
8 [t]estas mihi a patre
9 ẹt tunc feci archan-
10 gelos ịṇ stuporem
11 ṿocis ducẹṛẹ ipsos ad
12 [a]ltarẹụṃ patris mei,
13 [s]ervientes et replen-
14 [t]es ministratione(m)
15 [u]sque quo irem ad eu(m);
16 [s]ic feci per sapientia(m)
17 [s]imilitudinis. Ego eni(m)
18 [í]ṇ omniḅụṣ omnia
Folio 67 Verso, Column VII
1 [ang]el Michael and
2 [G]abriel and Uriel and Ra[ph-]
3 ael openly attended
4 me until as far as
5 the fifth heaven,
6 [th]inking me to be one
7 from among them. Such po[w-]
8 er was given to me by the father
9 and at that time I made archang-
10 els in the stupor of
11 a sweet voice to lead them to
12 the [a]ltar of my father,
13 [s]erving and comple[t-]
14 ing their ministration
15 [u]ntil such time as I go to hi(m).
16 [T]hus I did through the wisdo(m)
17 of the [s]imilitude. Fo(r) I
18 was m(a)de into all things [í]n
Folio 67 Verso, Column VIII
1 fac(u)tus sum sim-
2 uḷ, ut voluntatem
3 patṛiṣ mẹi laudem,
4 q̣ụịạ ṃịsịṭ ṃẹ ị[n]tạ. Ạṇ-
5 no implente inṭẹṛ
6 pentecosten ẹṭ ạẓ-
7 ỵmạ ẹṛịṭ ạḍṿẹṇṭụṣ
8 patris mei. Nos ạụṭẹ(m)
9 dic̣imus illi: Ḍ[omin]ẹ,
10 do dicebas te nobis
11 venire? Quomodo
12 utọ[..]s qui ṭẹm[..?]
13 Quid fati nobis: Ṭọ[tum]
14 ego in patrẹ [.] c̣[....]ọ
15 illi: Quid est quod de-
16 p[.....] quis noṭụs
17 [...]ḍ[..]ạntum t[.]o
18 ubi ạụṭẹṃ possimụs ....
Folio 67 Verso, Column VIII
1 all men simul-
2 taneously, so that I might
3 praise the will of my father,
4 who sent me. ?[?]??. ??-
5 ?? completed between
6 Pentecost and Unleavened
7 Bread, there will be the advent
8 of my father." We, howeve(r),
9 say to him, "L[or]d,
10 ?? were you saying to us that
11 you were coming? How
12 ???[..]? who ???[..?]
13 What was it you said to us, 'I am
14 to[tally] in the father' [.]" ?[....]?
15 to him, "What is that ??-
16 ?[.....] who, notable
17 [...]?[..]????? ?[.]?
18 where, moreover, might we be able ....

Epistula Apostolorum, translation by Anthony Alcock based on Coptic manuscript from Cairo: entire text.
Epistula Apostolorum, translation by M. R. James based both on Ethiopic manuscripts inventoried by Antoine Thomson d'Abbadie and on the Coptic: chapters 1-25, 26-51.

Notes and Quotes

Context and Textual Parallels

Cross references: Refer to translation by M. R. James, to which I have added notes: chapters 1-25, 26-51.

Works Consulted and Links

Carl Schmidt, Gespräche Jesu mit seinen Jüngern nach der Auferstehung.
Edmund Hauler, Zu den neuen lateinischen bruchstücken der Thomasapokalypse und eines apostolischen sendschreibens im Codex vind. nr. 16.
Kirsopp Lake, The Epistola Apostolorum.
M. R. James, English Translation of the Ethiopic and Coptic.
Anthony Alcock, English Translation of the Coptic.
Wilhelm Schneemelcher, New Testament Apocrypha.
Early Christian Writings: The Epistula Apostolorum.
Biblical Criticism & History Forum: Other Epistolary Texts.

Last edited by Ben C. Smith on Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:17 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: The epistle of the apostles.

Post by Ben C. Smith »

Translation of the Coptic

The following translation is as literal as I can manage, while remaining faithful to my own language. There are several lacunae in the text where restoration has been made by Schmidt. Square brackets indicate restorations that are not immediately obvious. Passages where the obvious text has been supplied do not have square brackets.

I must make it clear that this is not a work of scholarship, merely an attempt to present a reliable English version of the Coptic text in the hope that it may be of some use to those interested in early Christian literature. I have no knowledge of Ethiopic whatever, so I have had to rely on the notes of Schmidt-Wajnberg where I have cited the Ethiopic text. It also has to be pointed out that Schmidt, in the notes to the translation (pp. 26-155), revised some of the readings and emendations that are still in the Coptic text and critical apparatus. I refer to these passages simply as ‘translation notes’.

I have put the page numbers at the top of each page without brackets, whether they are in the text or not. The first four leaves of the Coptic text are missing.

— Anthony Alcock

Cerinthos and Simon came […] in the world. But these are e[nemies] of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for they turn aside the words and the thing, that is Jesus Christ. So remove yourselves from them, for death is in them and a great destructive de[filement], these upon whom judgement shall be together with the end and error. For this reason we have not delayed in writing to you about the witness of Our Saviour Christ, the things which he did, we following him and still in the thoughts and deeds which we witnessed about him, that he is the Lord who was was crucified by Pontius Pilate and Archelaus between the pair of thieves and was buried in place called

[…] 5. They went to that place, walking, three women, Mary, Martha and Mary Magdalenê. They took an ointment to pour it on his body, weeping and grieving over what had happened. When they approached to enter the tomb, they looked inside but did not find the body. As they were grieving and weeping, the Lord appeared to them and said to them, “For whom are you weeping ? Stop weeping, I am the one you are looking for. Let one of you go to your brothers and say, ‘Come. The Master has risen from the dead.'” Martha came to us and told us. We said to her, “What do you want with us, woman ? This one who has died and been buried, is it possible for him to be alive ?”

We did not believe her that the Saviour had risen from the dead. Then

she went to the Lord and said to him, “None of them believed me that you are alive.” He said to her, “Let another of you go to them and tell them again.” Mary came and told us again, and we did not believe her. She went back to the Lord. She told him the very words. The Lord then said to Mary and her sisters, “Let us go to them.”

He came and found us inside. He called us out. But we thought it was an illusion. We did not believe that he was the Lord. He then said to us, “Come. Do not be afraid. I am the Lord, the one whom, you Peter, denied three times and now still deny. We came to him, doubting in our heart that perhaps it was not the Lord. He then said to us

“Why do you still doubt and have no faith ? I am the one who spoke to you about my flesh, death and resurrection, so that you would know that it is I. Peter, put your fingers into the nails of my hands and you too, Thomas, put your fingers into the spear wounds of my side. You, Andrew, look at my feet. You will see that they do not stick to the ground. For it is written in the Prophet that an illusory demon’s foot does not stick to the ground.” We touched him that we might know truly if he had risen in the flesh and we threw ourselves on our faces, confessing our sins, for we had been faithless. The Lord Our Saviour the said, “Rise

and I will reveal to you the things that are below heaven and those that are in heaven and your repose in the kingdom of heaven. For my Father has given me the power to take you up with those who believe in me. The things he revealed to me are the things he says: It happened when I came, coming from the Father of everything. I passed into the heavens. I assumed the wisdom of the Father and I assumed his power. I was in heaven, and the archangels and angels, I passed into their likeness as if I were one with them among the powers and authorities. I passed by them, having the wisdom of the one who sent me. The archistrategos of the angels, Michael and Gabriel and Uriel and Raphael, they

are the ones who followed me as far as the fifth firmament. For they thought in their heart that I was one of them. The Father gave me the power of greatness and on that day I created archangels with a wonderful voice that they might go into the altar of the Father and serve and complete their service until I go to him. This is what I did through the wisdom of the likeness. For I was everything in everybody so that <I may praise> the dispensation of the Father and the glory of the one who sent me, I may complete it and go to him. For you all know that Gabriel the angel brought the good news to Mary.” We replied

“Yes, Lord.” He replied and said to us, “Do you not remember that I said to you on the way for a short time that I was an angel and that I had become everything in everyone ?” We said to him, “Yes, Lord.” He then replied and said to us, “On that day when I assumed the form of Gabriel the angel, appeared to Mary and spoke with her, her heart received me to her, she believed. I gave myself form. I went into her. I became flesh. Since I became for myself alone a deacon to Mary in the perceived form of an angel, this is how I will do it after going to the Father, and you, remember my death. When the Passover happens, there is one of you

who will be put into prison because of my name and and he will be in a state of grief and concern that you were keeping the Passover while he was in prison and not with you. For he will grieve that he was not keeping the Passover with you. For I will send my power in the likeness of Gabriel the angel. The gates of the prison will open. He will come to you and will keep a vigil (lit. a measure of watch) with you and stay with you until the cock crows. When you complete the remembrance which is for me (literal translation) and the agapê, he will once again be put into prison as a witness until he comes forth and preaches the things I said to you.” We said to him, “Lord, is it not necessary once again that we take the cup and drink ?” He said to us, “Yes, it is necessary

until the day when I come together with those who have been killed for my sake.” We said to him, “Lord, the things which you revealed to us at the beginning are great things. In what sort of great power will you come ? Or what sort of perceptible state ?” He answered and said to us, “Amen, I say to you that I will come like the sun shining, I being light of seven times greater than it (sun) in my glory. The wings of clouds carrying me in glory and the sign of the cross before me, I will come upon the earth and give justice to the living and the dead.” We said to him, “Lord, after how many years will these things happen.” He said to us, ” If the part of a hundred and the part of twenty are complete in the middle of the Pentecost and the feast of the unleavened bread, the presence of the Father will take place.”

We said to him, “Now, what is this that you said to us, ‘I am coming’ and what do you mean, ‘The one who sent me is the one who is coming’ ?” He then said to us, “I am entirely in my Father and my Father is in me. From the likeness of the form and the power and the fullness and the light and the perfect measure and the voice. I am the logos. I have become a thing for it, which means, [I am the] perfect thought in the type. I was in the eighth, which is the Lord’s day. The whole completion of the perfection, you will see it because of the salvation which has happened to me, and you will see me as I make my way up to heaven to my Father who is in heaven. But until I give you a new commandment, ‘Love one other and

One folio is missing.

He said to us, “You will see a light […] elevated more than the one who shines […] the perfection in […] But I entirely am the [substance] of the Father […] to me, which is the fullness. ” We said to him, “Lord in everything, you have become for us a [salvation and life]. You have preached to us these words of this sort.” He said to us, “Courage and you will be content. Amen I say to you that your repose will be in heaven, the place in which there is no eating or drinking or joy or sorrow or destruction of those who are in me. For you will not share my […] which partake of the [immortality which] is in him.

your own repose in me.” Again we said to him, “Will you come like the angels or in some other form ?” He answered and said to us, “[…] I [have] put on [your] flesh, this in which I was born and in which I was crucified and rose through my Father who sent me that the prophecy of David the prophet might be fulfilled concerning the things that were preached about me and my death and my resurrection, saying, ‘Lord, those who contend with me are many and many have risen up against me. For there are many who say to my soul, ‘It has no salvation before God. ‘” But you are the Lord, you are the one who has received me to yourself. You are the glory and the one who raises my head. With my voice I cried up

to the Lord. He heard me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I rose, because you the Lord are the one who has received me to you. I will not be afraid of a myriad of people who surround and are very hostile to me. Lord, save me, my God, for you have crushed everyone who has been my enemy without cause. The teeth of the sinners, you have smashed them. Salvation is of the Lord and his love for his people. If all the words spoken by the prophets are fulfilled by me, for I am the one who was in them, then how much more will the things that I say to you really happen so that the one who sent me will be glorified through you and those who believe me.” After he had said these things to us, we said to him, “Lord in all things you

have been merciful to us and you have saved us. You have revealed to us everything. But still we wish to ask you, if you will let us.” He replied and said to us, “I know that you will bear and your heart is firm when you listen. Concerning that which you wish, ask me about it and I will speak to you fittingly. Amen I say to you, ‘As my Father raised me from the dead, this is how I will treat you. You will rise and you will be taken up to heaven to the place which I told you from the beginning, to the place which the one who sent me has prepared for you. And this is how I will fulfill every dispensation, I being unprocreated, (albeit) having been born of man, I, without a body, put on the body that I came for this reason so that you

Pages 25 and 26 are fragmentary, but Schmidt has reconstructed them on the basis of the Ethiopic. Square brackets are really not necessary, because most of the text has been restored.


10 to 11 lines are missing.

We replied, “Yes, Lord.” He then said to us, “Truly, I say to you, ‘I have received all power from my Father so that I may lead into the light those who are in the dark.


8 to 9 lines are missing.

[…] After he had said these things to us, we said to him, “Lord, […] the flesh will be judged with the soul and the spirit. Some will find repose in the kingdom of heaven, but others will be punished alive forever.” He said

to us, “Until which day are you seeking and looking ?” Once again we said to him, “Lord, it is necessary for us to ask you, because you order us to preach so that we ourselves may understand with certainty through you and we may be good preachers and those who will teach through us, they will believe in you and so we ask you many times.” He answered us saying, “Amen I say to you that the resurrection of the body will happen, the soul being in it with the spirit.” And we said to him, “Lord, is it possible for that which has disintegrated, having perished, to be whole – we ask you not as unfaithful or whether it is possible for you – but as true believers, that what you say

will happen.” And he became angry with us, saying to us, “You of little faith, until which day are you asking ? But what you want, tell me and I myself will tell it to you, only without envy. Keep my commandments and do what I tell you. Do not turn your face away from anyone, so that I myself will turn my face from you, but without hesitation, without shame, without partiality, serve the upright and narrow way, which is also hemmed in, this is the way of my Father. He will rejoice over you.” Again we said to him, “Lord,

“we are already ashamed that we have asked you so many times and are a burden to you.” He then answered and said to us, “I know that in faith and with all your heart you ask me about this. I rejoice over you. For amen I say to you that I am [in agreement ] with my Father who is in me that you ask me. Your lack of shame is for me a joy and it gives you yourselves life.” After he had said these to us, we [spoke freely] and questioned him. And we said to him, ‘Lord in all things, you give us life and you have mercy on us. Now therefore, will you tell us about the things we will ask you ?” Then he said to us, “Is the flesh destroyed or the spirit ?” We said to him, “The flesh is destroyed.”

He then said to us, “Will the one who has fallen rise, the one who is lost be found, the one who is lame be healed, so that in this the glory of my Father will be revealed, as he did with me ? I myself will also do it with you, all who believe. Amen I say to you that the flesh will rise with the soul [and the spirit], so that their defence will happen on that day because of what they have done, whether good or bad, so that a selection of the faithful will be made, those who have kept the commandments of my Father who sent me. This is how the judgement will in strictness be. For my Father said to me, ‘My son

on the day of judgement you will feel neither shame for the rich nor pity for the poor, but according to the sin of each one, you will hand him over to eternal punishment.’ My beloved, he who has kept the commandments of my Father, the one who sent me, I will give them repose of life in the kingdom of my Father who is heaven. They will see the things that he has granted them. He gave me authority to do what I want. I will give to those to whom I have promised and those to whom I have decided to give and grant. For this reason I have come to the place of Lazarus and preached to the just and the prophets that they may come forth from the repose of above and go into that which [is above,

I, stretching out my right], hand over them [in a repose] of life and remission and salvation from every evil, as I have done for you and those who believe in me. If one believes in me and does not keep my commandments, having confessed my name, has no benefit from it, he has gone on an empty path. For people of this sort, they are lost and [doomed], because they have transgressed against my commandments. Moreover, you are the children of life. I saved you from every evil and from the authority of the archons and everyone of you who believes in me. That which I promised to you, I will send to them also so that they will come forth from prison and the chains of the archons and

the blazing fire.” [We answered and said] to him, “Lord, you have given the eternal rest and you have given […] in miracles to strengthen the faith. These also you will preach them to us, for you have preached to the just and the prophets.” Then he said to us, “Amen I say to you, ‘Everyone who has believed in me and the one who sent me, I will [take them] up to heaven, the place which my Father has prepared for the elect and I will give you the chosen kingdom in repose and everlasting life. But those who have transgressed against the commandments and taught teachings outside the scriptures, adding to them

[…] alone, they teaching with other words those who believe in me uprightly. If they cause them to fall as a result of things of this sort, they will be punished forever.” We said to him, “Lord, will there not be teachings of others outside the things you have said to us?” He said to us, “There have to be, so that [those who do evil] and those who are good will be revealed. This is how the judgement of those who do these things will be revealed, and they will be judged according to their deeds. They will be handed over to death”. Again we said to him, “Lord, we are blessed, for [we see you] and hear you say words of this sort, because the eyes see the

great wonders that you have performed.” He replied and said to us, “More blessed indeed are those who have not seen and believed, for these people will be called the children of the kingdom and will become perfect and I will become a cornerstone in the kingdom of my Father.” Again we said to him, “Lord, how will they be able to believe ? Will you go and leave them behind you? As you say to us, ‘A day will come and an hour and I will go to my Father.'” He said to us, “Go and preach to the twelve tribes and preach to the nations and the whole land of Israel from

the east to the west and from the south to the north. Many will believe the son of God.” We said to him, “Lord, who will believe us or who will listen to us or who will be taught […] the wonders and signs that you have performed and the miracles.” He then replied and said to us, “Go and preach the mercy of my Father, and what he has done through me, I will do through you, I being in you. I will give you my peace, and from my spirit I will give you strength that you may prophesy to them that they may live forever. As for the others, I will give them the power that they may teach other nations

In the translation notes Schmidt writes that 6 folios are missing, in the printed text seven. There is so little to translate of page 49 that I have decided against writing anything. This is what is left of page 50.

50 from line 12 to the end.

[rebuke their neigh]bours. For [he will become a child] of wisdom, [believing. But if he is not] a child [of wisdom], he will hate [his brother in arrogance […]

from his neighbour and take possession of him and be at a loss over/deprives him. Those who live their lives in truth and the knowledge of faith, they have love for me. They endure insults. They will be proud of them, walking in poverty and enduring those who hate them and those who insult them. They have inflicted pain on them, being naked. People are arrogant towards them, as they walk in hunger and thirst. But since they endure the goodness of the heavens, they will be with me forever. But woe to those who walk in arrogance and are proud, for their

end is error.” We said to him, “Lord, is it yours to leave us in order to come upon them ?” He replied and said to us, “How will the judgement be made ? The just or the unjust ?” We said to him, “Lord, on that day, they will say to you, ‘You have not pursued justice, light and dark, bad and good.” He then said, “I will answer them, saying, ‘Adam was given the power to choose one of two things. He chose light. He brought his hand down upon it. The dark, however, he left it behind him and cast it from him. In this way every man has power

to believe in the light, which is life and which is the Father who sent me. Everyone who believes and performs the things of the light, they will live through them (things of the light). But if one confesses that one belongs to the light, doing the things of the dark, this one has no defence to offer, nor will he be able to lift up his face opposite the son of God, that is to say, myself. I will say to him, ‘When you looked, you found; when you asked, you received. How did you condemn me, man. Why did you take yourself away from me and deny me ? Does each one have the power to live and die ? The one, therefore who has kept,

my commandments, he will be a child of the light, which is the Father who is in me. But because of those who destroy my words, I have come down from heaven, I, the logos. I became flesh, taking trouble and teaching that those who are called will be saved and those who are lost will be lost forever. They will suffer while they live. They will be punished in their flesh and their soul.” We said to him, “Lord, truly we are concerned about them.” He said to us, “You do well to do so. For the just, they are concerned about the sinners and pray for them, begging my Father.” Again we said to him, “Lord, why does nobody feel respect for you ?” He said

to us, “I will hear the prayer of the just who do it among them.” After he had said these things to us, we said to him, “In everything you have taught us and you have been merciful to us. You have saved us so that we may preach to those worthy of salvation and create for ourselves a wage with you.” He replied and said to us, “Go and preach and you will be labourers and fathers and deacons.” We said to him, “You are the one who will preach through us.” He then replied to us, saying, “Do not be father at all and do not be teacher at all.” We said to him, “Lord, you are the one who said to us, ‘Do not call (anyone) father to you upon earth, for your Father who is

in heaven is one and your teacher. Why do you continue to tell us now, ‘You will be father of many children, deacons and teachers ?” He replied and said to us, “As you say. Amen I say to you, the one who listens to you and believes in me will receive from your hands the light of the seal from me and baptism from me. You will become father and deacon and also teacher.” We said to him, “Lord, how is it possible for each one of us to make three ?” He said to us, “Amen I say to you, you will be called ‘father’, for with a heart that is precious and a love you will reveal to them the deeds of the king-

dom of heaven. You will be called ‘deacons’, because they will receive baptism, forgiveness of sins from my hand through you. You will be called ‘teacher’, because you have given them the word. Without envy you have chastised them. When you castigated them, they returned. You did not feel shame before their wealth or their face, but you kept the commandments of my Father and you have performed them.

A great reward will be yours with my Father who is in heaven and forgiveness of sins will be for those and life everlasting. They will partake of the kingdom of heaven.” We said to him, “Lord, even if each one of us had

a myriad of tongues to speak, we would not be able to thank you who promise us things of this sort.” He then replied, saying to us, “Only do what I tell you to do, as I myself have done. You will be like the wise virgins who kept watch and did not sleep, but came to the bridal chamber to be with the Lord. [The foolish ones], however, were unable to keep watch but fell asleep.” We said to him, “Lord, which are the wise and which the foolish?” He said to us, “The five wise and the five foolish are the ones whom the Prophet called the children of God. Listen to their names.” We were weeping and

grieving at heart over the ones who had fallen asleep. He said to us, “The five wise ones are: faith, love. charity, peace and hope. Those among the believers who have them, these will be leaders of those who have believed in me and sent me. For I am the Lord and the bridegroom whom they have received. They went into the house of the bridegroom. They lay rejoicing with me. But the five foolish ones, after they had slept, they woke up and came to the door of the bridal chamber. They called inside. But the door remained locked to them. Then they wept and began to grieve, because no-one would open the door to them.” We said to him, “Lord, their wise sisters who were in the house of the bridegroom

did they refuse to open the door ? Did they not grieve for them ? Did they not beg the bridegroom on their behalf to open the door to them.” He replied and said to us, “They were not yet able to receive grace on their behalf.” He said to us, “Lord, on which day will they go in because of their sisters ?” He then said to us, “They were not locked out […]” We said to him, “Lord, this word […]. Who then are the foolish ones ?” He said to us, “Listen to their names: knowledge, understanding, obedience, patience and mercy. For these are the ones who have fallen asleep among those who believed and confessed me, but did not keep my commandments through those who fell asleep. For they will remain outside the king-

dom and the sheepfold. The one who will remain outside the sheepfold will be devoured by wolves and will […] dying a painful death. He will have no peace or endurance. He will be badly tortured, so that […] he will be punished greatly and be subjected to many painful tests.” We said to him, “Lord, it is good that you have revealed everything to us.” He then replied saying to us, “Do you not understand these words ?” We said to him, “Yes, Lord. Through the five they will come into the kingdom of heaven. To be sure, those who kept watch were with you, Lord and bridegroom, even if they do not rejoice over those who fell

asleep.” He said to us, “They are rejoicing that they went inside with the bridegroom Lord and they are grieving, because they are their sisters. The ten50 are the daughters of God the Father.” We then said to him, “Lord it is your job to […]” “He said to us, “[…] , but belonging to the one who sent me, I myself agreeing with him. You preach well and correctly and you teach, not feeling shame before anyone. You are not afraid of anyone, especially the rich, for they do not keep my commandments but they are blinded by their wealth

We said to him, “Lord, is it only the rich ?” He replied, saying to us, “If a person is not rich but has a little of life’s goods and gives to the needy and the poor, he will be called a benefactor. But if he falls under a burden because of the sins he has committed, let his neighbour rebuke him instead of the good that he has done for his neighbour. If his neighbour has rebuked him, he will rescue himself and be saved. The one who has rebuked him will receive his reward and live forever. For a needy man, if he sees the one who has done him good as one who sins and does not rebuke him. he will be judged

in a harsh tribunal. A blind man leading a blind man, they both fall into a pit. The one who takes sides about them becomes like them both, as the Prophet said, ‘Woe to the one who takes sides and justify the impious because of their gifts, these in which [there is death]. See therefore that judgement […] Amen I say to you, ‘On that day I will feel no shame before the rich and I will not pity the poor.’ If you see a sinner, [rebuke him] between you and him. If he does not listen to you, take the others with you up to three and teach your brother. If he still does not listen to you, place him before you like [a heathen and tax collector]

The end is missing.

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Re: The epistle of the apostles.

Post by Ben C. Smith »

Translation of the Coptic and Ethiopic (Part 1)

The authorities for the text are: (a) a Coptic MS. of the fourth or fifth century at Cairo, mutilated; (b) a complete version in Ethiopic; (c) a leaf of a fifth-century MS. in Latin, palimpsest, at Vienna. The only edition which makes use of all the authorities is C. Schmidt's, 1919. The Ethiopic was previously edited by Guerrier in Patrologia orientalis under the title of Testament of our Lord in Galilee. A notice of the text by Guerrier in the Revue de l'Orient Chretien (1907) enabled me to identify it with the Coptic text, of which Schmidt had given a account to the Berlin Academy. As to the date and character of the book, Sehmidt's verdict is that it was written in Asia Minor about A.D. 160 by an orthodox Catholic. The orthodoxy has been questioned (see a review by G. Bardy in Revue Biblique, 1921). No ancient writer mentions it, and very few traces of its use can be found: the (third ?)-century poet Commodian seems to use it in one place (see 11).

There has so far been no English rendering of the text; my version depends on Schmidt and Guerrier.

In the Ethiopic version another writing, a prophecy of our Lord concerning the signs of the end, is prefixed to the Epistle. Parts of the this recur in the Syriac Testament of the Lord and part is repeated in the Epistle itself. ....

The first four leaves of the Coptic MS. are lost, so we depend on the Ethiopic for the opening of the text.

— M. R. James

1. The book which Jesus Christ revealed unto his disciples: and how that Jesus Christ revealed the book for the company (college) of the apostles, the disciples of Jesus Christ, even the book which is for all men. Simon and Cerinthus, the false apostles, concerning whom it is written that no man shall cleave unto them, for there is in them deceit wherewith they bring men to destruction. (The book hath been written) that ye may be not flinch nor be troubled, and depart not from the word of the Gospel which ye have heard. Like as we heard it, we keep it in remembrance and have written it for the whole world. We commend you our sons and our daughters in joy <in the grace of God (?)> in the name of God the Father the Lord of the world, and of Jesus Christ. Let grace be multiplied upon you.
Acts 15.7 (the word of the gospel).
1 John 1.1 (what we have heard).
Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.26.1; 3.2.1; 3.3.4; 3.11.1; Hippolytus, Refutation of All Heresies 7.33.1-2; 7.34.1; 7.35.1; 10.21.1-3; Epiphanius, Panarion 28 (Cerinthus and the Cerinthians).
Acts 8.9-24; Justin Martyr, Dialogue With Trypho 120.6; Apology 1.26.1-8; 1.56.1-2; 2.15.1; Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.23.1-5; 1.24.4; 1.27.1, 4; 1.29.1; Hippolytus, Refutation of All Heresies 4.51.1-14; 6.1-15; 7.25.1; 10.12.1-4; Epiphanius, Panarion 21 (Simon Magus and the Simonians).

2. We, John, Thomas, Peter, Andrew, James, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Nathanael, Judas Zelotes, and Cephas, write unto the churches of the east and the west, of the north and the south, the declaring and imparting unto you that which concerneth our Lord Jesus Christ: we do write according as we have seen and heard and touched him, after that he was risen from the dead: and how that he revealed unto us things mighty and wonderful and true.
Matthew 10.2-4 = Mark 3.16-19 = Luke 6.13-16; Acts 1.12; Ebionite Gospel 4, apud Epiphanius, Panarion 30.13.1-3; Apostolic Church Order 0 (Prologue) (names of the twelve apostles).
Luke 24.39; John 20.25, 27 (touching the Lord).
1 John 1.1 (what we heard).

3. This know we: that our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ is God the Son of God, who was sent of God the Lord of the whole world, the maker and creator of it, who is named by all names, and high above all powers, Lord of lords, King of kings, Ruler of rulers, the heavenly one, that sitteth above the cherubim and seraphim at the right hand of the throne of the Father: who by his word made the heavens, and formed the earth and that which is in it, and set bounds to the sea that it should not pass: the deeps also and fountains, that they should spring forth and flow over the earth: the day and the night, the sun and the moon, did he establish, and the stars in the heaven: that did separate the light from the darkness: that called forth hell, and in the twinkling of an eye ordained the rain of the winter, the snow (cloud), the hail, and the ice, and the days in their several seasons: that maketh the earth to quake and again establisheth it: that created man in his own image, after his likeness, and by the fathers of old and the prophets is it declared (or, and spake in parables with the fathers of old and the prophets in verity), of whom the apostles preached, and whom the disciples did touch. In God, the Lord, the Son of God, do we believe, that he is the word become flesh: that of Mary the holy virgin he took a body, begotten of the Holy Ghost, not of the will (lust) of the flesh, but by the will of God: that he was wrapped in swaddling clothes in Bethlehem and made manifest, and grew up and came to ripe age, when also we beheld it.
Genesis 1.4 (separating light from darkness).
Genesis 1.14; 1 Clement 20.2 (lights and seasons).
Genesis 1.26-27 (creating man in the image of God).
Genesis 7.11; 8.2 (the fountains of the deep).
Numbers 12.8 (dark sayings).
1 Samuel 4.4 (he who sits above the cherubim).
Psalm 136.1-9 (LXX 135.1-9) (creation of the heavens and the earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars).
Psalm 110.1 (LXX 109.1); Matthew 26.64 = Mark 14.62; Mark 16.19; Acts 2.33-34; 5.31; 7.55-56; Romans 8.34; Ephesians 1.20; Colossians 3.1; Hebrews 1.3, 13; 8.1; 10.12; 12.2; 1 Peter 3.22 (sitting at the right hand).
Psalm 148.8 (hail, snow, cloud).
Proverbs 8.27; Job 38.8-11; 1 Clement 20.6 (assigning the sea its boundary).
Isaiah 6.1-7 (seraphim).
Micah 5.2; Matthew 2.1, 5-8; Luke 2.4, 15 (Bethlehem).
Haggai 2.6 (shaking heaven and earth).
Matthew 1.23, 25; Luke 1.27, 34-35 (the virginity of Mary; the overshadowing by the Holy Spirit).
Luke 2.7, 12 (wrapped in cloths).
Luke 2.40, 52 (growing up).
Luke 24.21; Titus 2.14 (Jesus as redeemer; λυτρόω).
Luke 24.39; John 20.25, 27 (touching the Lord).
John 1.13-14 (the word made flesh by the will of God).
John 1.14; 1 John 1.1 (what we beheld).
Acts 10.42; 13.32 (preaching of the apostles). Refer also to the Preaching of Peter apud Clement of Alexandria, Miscellanies 6.5 (43.3): διὰ τοῦτό φησιν ὁ Πέτρος εἰρηκέναι τὸν κύριον τοῖς ἀποστόλοις· «ἐὰν μὲν οὖν τις θελήσῃ τοῦ Ἰσραὴλ μετανοήσας διὰ τοῦ ὀνόματός μου πιστεύειν ἐπὶ τὸν θεόν, ἀφεθήσονται αὐτῷ αἱ ἁμαρτίαι. μετὰ <δὲ> δώδεκα ἔτη ἐξέλθετε εἰς τὸν κόσμον. μή τις εἴπῃ· οὐκ ἠκούσαμεν.» / Wherefore Peter says that the Lord said to the apostles: "If anyone of Israel then wishes to repent and by my name to believe in God, his sins shall be forgiven him. After twelve years go forth into the world so that no one may say: 'We have not heard.'"
Galatians 4.5 (Jesus as redeemer; ἐξαγοράζω).
Ephesians 1.21 (every name that is named).
Philippians 2.9 (name above all names).
1 Timothy 6.15; Revelation 17.14; 19.16 (king of kings and lord of lords).
Hebrews 1.1 (God spoke to the fathers through the prophets).

4. This did our Lord Jesus Christ, who was sent by Joseph and Mary his mother to be taught. [And] when he that taught him said unto him: Say Alpha: then answered he and said: Tell thou me first what is Beta (probably: Tell thou me first what is <Alpha and then will I tell thee what is> Beta). This thing which then came to pass is to true and of verity.
Infancy Gospel of Thomas 6.3; 14.2 (alpha and beta).

5. Thereafter was there a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and they bade him with his mother and his brethren, and he changed water into wine. He raised the dead, he caused the lame to walk: him whose hand was withered he caused to stretch it out, and the woman which had suffered an issue of blood twelve years touched the hem of his garment and was healed in the same hour. And when we marvelled at the miracle which was done, he said: Who touched me? Then said we: Lord, the press of men hath touched thee. But he answered and said unto us: I perceive that a virtue is gone out of me. Straightway that woman came before him, and answered and said unto him: Lord, I touched thee. And he answered and said unto her: Go, thy faith hath made thee whole. Thereafter he made the deaf to hear and the blind to see; out of them that were possessed he cast out the unclean spirits, and cleansed the lepers. The spirit which dwelt in a man, whereof the name was Legion, cried out against Jesus, saying: Before the time of our destruction is come, thou art come to drive us out. But the Lord Jesus rebuked him, saying: Go out of this man and do him no hurt. And he entered into the swine and drowned them in the water and they were choked. Thereafter he did walk upon the sea, and the winds blew, and he cried out against them (rebuked them), and the waves of the sea were made calm. And when we his disciples had no money, we asked him: What shall we do because of the tax-gatherer? And he answered and told us: Let one of you cast an hook into the deep, and take out a fish, and he shall find therein a penny: that give unto the tax-gatherer for me and you. And thereafter when we had no bread, but only five loaves and two fishes, he commanded the people to sit them down, and the number of them was five thousand, besides children and women. We did set pieces of bread before them, and they ate and were filled, and there remained over, and we filled twelve baskets full of the fragments, asking one another and saying: What mean these five loaves? They are the symbol of our faith in the Lord of the Christians (in the great christendom), even in the Father, the Lord Almighty, and in Jesus Christ our redeemer, in the Holy Ghost the comforter, in the holy church, and in the remission of sins.
Matthew 4.23-24 = Mark 1.39; Luke 6.18; Matthew 8.16-17 = Mark 1.32-34 = Luke 4.40-41 (exorcisms).
Matthew 8.1-4 = Mark 1.40-45 = Luke 5.12-16; Luke 17.11-19; Matthew 11.5 = Luke 7.22 (the healing of a leper or of lepers).
Matthew 8.23-27 = Mark 4.35-41 = Luke 8.22-25 (the calming of the sea).
Matthew 8.28-34 = Mark 5.1-20 = Luke 8.26-39 (Legion).
Matthew 9.1-8 = Mark 2.1-12 = Luke 5.17-26 (healing a paralytic).
Matthew 9.18-19, 23-26 = Mark 5.21-24, 35-43 = Luke 8.40-42, 49-56; Luke 7.11-17; John 11.1-46 (raising the dead).
Matthew 9.20-22 = Mark 5.25-34 = Luke 8.43-48 (the healing of a hemorrhaging woman).
Matthew 9.27-31 = Mark 10.46-52 = Luke 18.35-43; Mark 8.22-26; John 9.1-41 (healing the blind).
Matthew 9.32-34; 15.29-31; Mark 7.31-37 (healing the deaf or mute).
Matthew 12.9-14 = Mark 3.1-6 = Luke 6.6-11 (the healing of a man with a withered hand).
Matthew 14.15-21 = Mark 6.35-44 = Luke 9.12-17; John 6.3-15 (the feeding of the five thousand).
Matthew 14.22-33 = Mark 6.45-52; John 6.16-21 (walking upon the sea).
Matthew 17.24-27 (the coin in the fish's mouth).
John 2.1-11 (the wedding in Cana, water into wine).
John 2.12 (mother and brothers).

6. These things did our Lord and Saviour reveal unto us and teach us. And we do even as he, that ye may become partakers in the grace of our Lord and in our ministry and our giving of thanks (glory), and think upon life eternal. Be ye steadfast and waver not in the knowledge and confidence of our Lord Jesus Christ, and he will have mercy on you and save you everlastingly, world without end.
1 Corinthians 15.58 (be steadfast).

7. Here begins the Coptic text. Cerinthus and Simon are come to go to and fro in the world, but they are enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ, for they do pervert the word and the true thing, even (faith in) Jesus Christ. Keep yourselves therefore far from them, for death is in them, and great pollution and corruption, even in these on whom shall come judgement and the end and everlasting destruction.
Ignatius to the Trallians 7.1 (beware of heresies).
Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans 7.2 (keep aloof from them).

8. Therefore have we not shrunk from writing unto you concerning the testimony of Christ our Saviour, of what he did, when we followed with him, how he enlightened our understanding....

9. Concerning whom we testify that the Lord is he who was crucified by Pontius Pilate and Archelaus between the two thieves (and with them he was taken down from the tree of the cross, Eth.), and was buried in a place which is called the place of a skull (Kranion). And thither went three women, Mary, she that was kin to Martha, and Mary Magdalene (Sarrha, Martha, and Mary, Eth.), and took ointments to pour upon the body, weeping and mourning over that which was come to pass. And when they drew near to the sepulchre, they looked in and found not the body (Eth. they found the stone rolled away and opened the entrance).
Matthew 27.33-44 = Mark 15.22-32 = Luke 23.32-43; John 19.17b-24; Peter 4.10-13 (the crucifixion of Jesus).
Matthew 28.1-8a = Mark 16.1-8 = Luke 24.1-9a (the visit of the women to the tomb).
Mark 16.10 (mourning and weeping).
Matthew 28.2 = Mark 16.4 = Luke 24.2; John 20.1; Peter 9.37 (the stone rolled away).
Luke 24.12; John 20.11; Peter 13.55 (looking into the tomb). Refer also to Mark 16.5 = Luke 24.3 (entering the tomb).
Luke 24.3 (no body to be found).

10. And as they mourned and wept, the Lord showed himself unto them and said to them: For whom weep ye? weep no more. I am he whom ye seek. But let one of you go to your brethren and say: Come ye, the Master is risen from the dead. Martha (Mary, Eth.) came and told us. We said unto her: What haw we to do with thee, woman ? He that is dead and buried, is it possible that he should live? And we believed her not that the Saviour was risen from the dead. Then she returned unto the Lord and said unto him: None of them hath believed me, that thou livest. He said: Let another of you go unto them and tell them again. Mary (Sarrha, Eth.) came and told us again, and we believed her not; and she returned unto the Lord and she also told him.
Matthew 28.6 = Mark 16.6 = Luke 24.6; Peter 13.56 (he has risen).
Matthew 28.7, 10 = Mark 16.7 (go tell his disciples). Refer also to John 20.17 (go to my brethren).
Mark 16.11; Luke 24.11, 41 (not believing it).
John 20.13, 15 (why are you weeping?).
John 20.15; Peter 13.56 (whom do you seek?).

11. Then said the Lord unto Mary and her sisters: Let us go unto them. And he came and found us within (sitting veiled or fishing, Eth.), and called us out; but we thought that it was a phantom and believed not that it was the Lord. Then said he unto us: Come, fear ye not. I am your master, even he, O Peter, whom thou didst deny thrice; and dost thou now deny again? And we came unto him, doubting in our hearts whether it were he. Then said he unto us: Wherefore doubt ye still, and are unbelieving? I am he that spake unto you of my flesh and my death and my resurrection. But that ye may know that I am he, do thou, Peter, put thy finger into the print of the nails in mine hands, and thou also, Thomas, put thy finger into the wound of the spear in my side; but thou, Andrew, look on my feet and see whether they press the earth; for it is written in the prophet: A phantom of a devil maketh no footprint on the earth.
Mark 16.14; John 20.19, 26 (Jesus comes or appears).
Luke 24.37, 39 (thinking he was a spirit). Refer also to Jerome, On Isaiah, preface to book 18, in which he says that the gospel according to the Hebrews had "incorporeal daemon" at this point, and Jerome, On Famous Men 16, in which he misquotes Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans 3.2-3.
Matthew 28.10 (do not be afraid).
Matthew 26.30-35 = Mark 14.26-31 = Luke 22.31-34; papyrus Vindobonensis 2325 (the three denials predicted).
Matthew 26.58, 69-75 = Mark 14.54, 66-72 = Luke 22.54b-62; John 18.15-18, 25-27 (the three denials).
Matthew 28.17; Mark 16.14; John 20.24-29 (apostolic doubts and unbelief). Refer also to Matthew 14.31 (Petrine doubts).
Luke 24.39; John 20.25, 27 (touching the Lord).
Commodian, Carmen Apologeticum V.564: Vestigium umbra non facit. / A shadow does not make a mark.
Acts of John 93 (leaving no footprint).

12. And we touched him, that we might learn of a truth whether he were risen in the flesh; and we fell on our faces (and worshipped him) confessing our sin, that we had been unbelieving. Then said our Lord and Saviour unto us: Rise up, and I will reveal unto you that which is above the heaven and in the heaven, and your rest which is in the kingdom of heaven. For my Father hath given me power (sent me, Eth.) to take you up thither, and them also that believe on me.
Luke 24.39; John 20.25, 27; 1 John 1.1; Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans 3.2-3 (touching the Lord).
2 Clement 5.5 (the rest of the kingdom).
2 Clement 6.7 (finding rest).
Clement of Alexandria, Miscellanies 2.9 (45.5): ᾗ κἀν τῷ καθ' Ἑβραίους εὐαγγελίῳ «ὁ θαυμάσας βασιλεύσει» γέγραπται «καὶ ὁ βασιλεύσας ἀναπαήσεται». / Which also is written in the gospel according to the Hebrews: "He who marveled shall reign, and he who reigned shall rest."
Clement of Alexandria, Miscellanies 5.14 (96.3); papyrus Oxyrhynchus 654, lines 5-9; Thomas 2; Acts of Thomas 136 (similar sayings about rest).
John 12.32 (I will draw men to myself).

13. Now that which he revealed unto us is this, which he spake: It came to pass when I was about (minded) to come hither from the Father of all things, and passed through the heavens, then did I put on the wisdom of the Father, and I put on the power of his might. I was in heaven, and I passed by the archangels and the angels in their likeness, like as if I were one of them, among the princedoms and powers. I passed through them because I possessed the wisdom of him that had sent me. Now the chief captain of the angels, [is] Michael, and Gabriel and Uriel and Raphael followed me unto the fifth firmament (heaven), for they thought in their heart that I was one of them; such power was given me of my Father. And on that day did I adorn the archangels with a wonderful voice (so Copt.: Eth., Lat., I made them quake--amazed them), so that they should go unto the altar of the Father and serve and fulfil the ministry until I should return unto him. And so wrought I the likeness by my wisdom; for I became all things in all, that I might praise the dispensation of the Father and fulfil the glory of him that sent me (the verbs might well be transposed) and return unto him.
Ascension of Isaiah 10.7-31 (descending through the heavens).
Revelation 8.3 (angel at the altar).
Colossians 1.25; Ephesians 1.10 (all things).
John 14.12, 28 (I go to the Father).

14. Here the Latin omits a considerable portion of text without notice, to near the beginning of c. 17. For ye know that the angel Gabriel brought the message unto Mary. And we answered: Yea, Lord. He answered and said unto us: Remember ye not, then, that I said unto you a little while ago: I became an angel among the angels, and I became all things in all? We said unto him: Yea, Lord. Then answered he and said unto us: On that day whereon I took the form of the angel Gabriel, I appeared unto Mary and spake with her. Her heart accepted me, and she believed (She believed and laughed, Eth.), and I formed myself and entered into her body. I became flesh, for I alone was a minister unto myself in that which concerned Mary (I was mine own messenger, Eth.) in the appearance of the shape of an angel. For so must I needs (or, was I wont to) do. Thereafter did I return to my Father (Copt. After my return to the Father, and run on).
Luke 1.26-38 (Gabriel and Mary).
Sibylline Oracles VIII, line 622 (Mary laughed).
John 1.14 (becoming flesh).
John 20.17 (I ascend to my Father).

15. But do ye commemorate my death. Now when the Passover (Easter, pascha) cometh, one of you shall be cast into prison for my name's sake; and he will be in grief and sorrow, because ye keep the Easter while he is in prison and separated from you, for he will be sorrowful because he keepeth not Easter with you. And I will send my power in the form of mine angel Gabriel, and the doors of the prison shall open. And he shall come forth and come unto you and keep the night-watch with you until the cock crow. And when ye have accomplished the memorial which is made of me, and the Agape (love-feast), he shall again be cast into prison for a testimony, until he shall come out thence and preach that which I have delivered unto you. And we said unto him: Lord, is it then needful that we should again take the cup and drink? (Lord, didst not thou thyself fulfil the drinking of the Passover? is it then needful that we should accomplish it again? Eth.) He said unto us: Yea, it is needful, until the day when I come again, with them that have been put to death for my sake (come with my wounds, Eth.).
1 Corinthians 11.24; Luke 22.19 (in remembrance of me).
Luke 21.12; Revelation 2.10 (cast into prison).
John 15.21 (for my name's sake).
Mark 13.35 (cock's crow).
Matthew 10.18 = Mark 13.9 = Luke 21.13 (as a testimony).
Matthew 26.26-29 = Mark 14.22-25 = Luke 22.14-20; John 6.26-59; 1 Corinthians 11.23-26; Didache 9-10 (bread and cup).
Revelation 6.9; 20.4 (those slain/beheaded for the word of God).
Zechariah 14.5; Didache 16.7 (coming with all his saints).

16. Then said we to him: Lord, that which thou hast revealed unto us (revealest, Eth.) is great. Wilt thou come in the power of any creature or in an appearance of any kind ? (In what power or form wilt thou come? Eth.) He answered and said unto us: Verily I say unto you, I shall come like the sun when it is risen, and my brightness will be seven times the brightness thereof! The wings of the clouds shall bear me in brightness, and the sign of the cross shall go before me, and I shall come upon earth to judge the quick and the dead.
Apocalypse of Peter 1 (shining sevenfold more than the sun).
Apocalypse of Peter 1; Apocalypse of Elijah 87.32 (the cross, the sign of the cross). Refer also to Peter 10.38-42 (the resurrection cross).
Acts 10.42; 2 Timothy 4.1; 1 Peter 4.5; 2 Clement 1.1; Polycarp to the Philadelphians 2.1 (judging the living and the dead).

17. We said unto him: Lord, after how many years shall this come to pass ? He said unto us: When the hundredth part and the twentieth part is fulfilled, between the Pentecost and the feast of unleavened bread, then shall the coming of my Father be (so Copt.: When an hundred and fifty years are past, in the days of the feast of Passover and Pentecost, &c., Eth.: . . . (imperfect word) year is fulfilled, between the unleavened bread and Pentecost shall be the coming of my Father, Lat.). We said unto him: Now sayest thou unto us: I will come; and how sayest thou: He that sent me is he that shall come? Then said he to us: I am wholly in the Father and my Father is in me. Then said we to him: Wilt thou indeed forsake us until thy coming? Where can we find a master? But he answered and said unto us: Know ye not, then, that like as until now I have been here, so also was I there, with him that sent me? And we said to him: Lord, is it then possible that thou shouldest be both here and there? But he answered us: I am wholly in the Father and the Father in me, because of (in regard of) the likeness of the form and the power and the fullness and the light and the full measure and the voice. I am the word.
John 10.38; 14.10-20; 17.21-23; Acts of John 100 (I in the Father and the Father in me).
Genesis 1.26-27 (after the likeness/image of God).
John 1.1 (the word).

18. I am become unto him a thing, that is to say (word gone) of the thought, fulfilled in the type (likeness); I have into the Ogdoad (eighth number), which is the Lord's day. (In place of these sentences Eth. has: I am of his resemblance and form, of his power and completeness, and of his light. I am his complete (fulfilled, entire) Word. But it came to pass after he was crucified, and dead and arisen again, when the work was fulfilled which was accomplished in the flesh, and he was crucified and the ascension come to pass at the end of the days, then said he thus, &c. It is an interpolation, in place of words which the translator did not understand, or found heretical.) But the whole fulfilment of the fulfilment shall ye see after the redemption which hath come to pass by me, and ye shall see me, how I go up unto my Father which is in heaven. But behold, now, I give unto you a new commandment: Love one another and [a leaf lost in Copt.] obey one another, that peace may rule alway among you. Love your enemies, and what ye would not that man do unto you, that do unto no man.
Barnabas 15.8; Justin Martyr, Dialogue With Trypho 24.1; 41.4; 138.1; Clement of Alexandria, Miscellanies 7.10 (57.5); 5.14 (106.2-4); Excerpts From Theodotus 63.1 (the eighth day).
Matthew 7.21; 10.32-33; 12.50; 16.17; 18.10, 19 (my father who is in heaven).
John 13.34-35; 15.2, 17; 1 John 3.11, 23; 4.7, 11-12 (the commandment to love one another).
Matthew 5.44 = Luke 6.27; Luke 6.35 (love your enemies).
Tobit 4.15; Acts 15.20, 29 (codex D); Didache 1.2 (golden rule, negative form).

19. And this preach ye also and teach them that believe on me, and preach the kingdom of heaven of my Father, and how my Father hath given me the power, that ye may bring near the children of my heavenly Father. Preach ye, and they shall obtain faith, that ye may be they for whom it is ordained that they shall bring his children unto heaven. And we said unto him: Lord, unto thee it is possible to accomplish that whereof thou tellest us; but how shall we be able to do it? He said to us: Verily I say unto you, preach and proclaim as I command you, for I will be with you, for it is my good pleasure to be with you, that ye may be heirs with me in the kingdom of heaven, even the kingdom of him that sent me. Verily I say unto you, ye shall be my brethren and my friends, for my Father hath found pleasure in you: and so also shall they be that believe on me by your means. Verily I say unto you, such and so great joy hath my Father prepared for you that the angels and the powers desired and do desire to see it and look upon it; but it is not given unto them to behold the glory of my Father. We said unto him: Lord, what is this whereof thou speakest to us? Copt. begins again: words are missing. He answered us: Ye shall behold a light, more excellent than that which shineth... (shineth more brightly than the light, and is more perfect than perfection. And the Son shall become perfect through the Father who is Light, for the Father is perfect which bringeth to pass death and resurrection, and ye shall see a perfection more perfect than the perfect. And I am wholly at the right hand of the Father, even in him that maketh perfect. So Eth.: Copt. has gaps). And we said unto him: Lord, in all things art thou become salvation and life unto us, for that thou makest known such a hope unto us. And he said to us: Be of good courage and rest in me. Verily I say unto you, your rest shall be above (?), in the place where is neither eating nor drinking, nor care (Copt. joy) nor sorrow, nor passing away of them that are therein: for ye shall have no part in (the things of earth, Eth.) but ye shall be received in the everlastingness of my Father. Like as I am in him, so shall ye also be in me. Again we said unto him: In what form? in the fashion of angels, or in flesh ? And he answered and said unto us: Lo, I have put on your flesh, wherein I was born and crucified, and am risen again through my Father which is in heaven, that the prophecy of David the prophet might be fulfilled, in regard of that which was declared concerning me and my death and resurrection, saying: Lord, they are increased that fight with me, and many are they that are risen up against me. Many there be that say to my soul: There is no help for him in his God. But thou, O Lord, art my defender: thou art my worship, and the lifter up of my head. I did call upon the Lord with my voice and he heard me (out of the high place of his temple, Eth.). I laid me down and slept, and rose up again: for thou, O Lord, art my defender. I will not be afraid for ten thousands of the people, that have set themselves against me round about. Up, Lord, and help me, O my God: for thou hast smitten down all them that without cause are mine enemies: thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly. Salvation belongeth unto the Lord, and his good pleasure is upon his people (Ps. iii. 1-8). If, therefore, all the words which were spoken by the prophets have been fulfilled in me (for I myself was in them), how much more shall that which I say unto you come to pass indeed, that he which sent me may be glorified by you and by them that believe on me?
Matthew 13.43; 26.29 (kingdom of the father).
Luke 9.2 (preaching the kingdom).
Matthew 28.20 (I will be with you).
Romans 8.17 (joint heirs).
1 Peter 1.12 (things into which angels long to look).
John 14.20; 15.4-7 (I in the Father, you in me).
Luke 24.44 (all things written about me fulfilled).
Psalm 3.1-8 (the passage quoted).
Hebrews 1.1 (God spoke in the prophets).
1 Peter 1.10-12 (the prophets inquired).
John 13.31-32 (glorified).

20. And when he had said this unto us, we said to him: In all things hast thou had mercy on us and saved us, and hast revealed all things unto us; but yet would we ask of thee somewhat if thou give us leave. And he said unto us: I know that ye pay heed, and that your heart is well-pleased when ye hear me: now concerning that which ye desire, I will speak good words unto you.
Titus 3.5 (saved according to mercy).

21. For verily I say unto you: Like as my Father hath raised me from the dead, so shall ye also rise (in the flesh, Eth.) and be taken up into the highest heaven, unto the place whereof I have told you from the beginning, unto the place which he who sent me hath prepared for you. And so will I accomplish all dispensations (all grace, Eth.), even I who am unbegotten and yet begotten of mankind, who am without flesh and yet have borne flesh <and have grown up like unto you that were born in flesh, Eth.>: for to that end am I come, that (gap in Copt.: Eth. continues) ye might rise from the dead in your flesh, in the second birth, even a vesture that shall not decay, together with all them that hope and believe in him that sent me: for so is the will of my Father, that I should give unto you, and unto them whom it pleaseth me, the hope of the kingdom. Then said we unto him: Great is that which thou sufferest us to hope, and tellest us. And he answered and said: Believe ye that everything that I tell you shall come to pass? We answered and said: Yea, Lord. (Copt. resumes for a few lines: then another gap. I follow Eth.) He said unto us: Verily I say unto you, that I have obtained the whole power of my Father, that I may bring back into light them that dwell in darkness, them that are in corruption into incorruption, them that are in death into life, and that I may loose them that are in fetters. For that which is impossible with men, is possible with the Father. I am the hope of them that despair, the helper of them that have no saviour, the wealth of the poor, thc health of the sick, and the resurrection of the dead.
John 5.21 (the Father raises the dead).
Ignatius to the Ephesians 7.2 (God existing in flesh).
2 Clement 9.5 (spirit made flesh).
John 5.24; 9.4; 12.44; often elsewhere in John (him who sent me).
Matthew 28.18 (all authority has been given me).
1 Peter 2.9; Odes of Solomon 21.3; 42.16 (darkness and light).
Matthew 19.26 = Mark 10.27 = Luke 18.27 (impossible with men, possible with God).
Acts of Paul and Thecla 37 (relief for the oppressed, shelter for the despairing, and so forth).

22. When he had thus said, we said unto him: Lord, is it true that the flesh shall be judged together with the soul and the spirit, and that the one part shall rest in heaven and the other part be punished everlastingly yet living? And he said unto us: (Copt. resumes) How long will ye inquire and doubt?
1 Thessalonians 5.23 (spirit and soul and body).
2 Clement 9.1 (the flesh judged).

23. Again we said unto him: Lord, there is necessity upon us to inquire of thee--because thou hast commanded us to preach--that we ourselves may learn assuredly of thee and be profitable preachers, and that they which are instructed by us may believe in thee. Therefore must we needs inquire of thee.
Romans 10.14 (no believing without hearing, no hearing without a preacher).

24. He answered us and said: Verily I say unto you, the resurrection of the flesh shall come to pass with the soul therein and the spirit. And we said unto him: Lord, is it then possible that that which is dissolved and brought to nought should become whole? and we ask thee not as unbelieving, neither as if it were impossible unto thee; but verily we believe that that which thou sayest shall come to pass. And he was wroth with us and said: O ye of little faith, how long will ye ask questions? But what ye will, tell it me, and I myself will tell you without grudging: only keep ye my commandments and do that which I bid you, and turn not away your face from any man, that I turn not my face away from you, but without shrinking and fear and without respect of persons, minister ye in the way that is direct and narrow and strait. So shall my Father himself rejoice over you.
Matthew 6.30 = Luke 12.28; Matthew 8.26; 14.31; 16.8 (you of little faith).
John 14.15, 21; 15.10 (keep my commandments).
Romans 2.11; Ephesians 6.9; Colossians 3.25; James 2.1 (no respect of persons). Refer also to Luke 20.21 (no partiality).
Matthew 7.14 = Luke 13.24 (the narrow way).

25. Again we said unto him: Lord, already are we ashamed that we question thee oft-times and burden thee. And he answered and said unto us: I know that in faith and with your whole heart ye do question me; therefore do I rejoice over you, for verily I say unto you: I rejoice, and my Father that is in me, because ye question me; and your importunity (shamelessness) is unto me rejoicing and unto you it giveth life. And when he had so said unto us, we were glad that we had questioned him, and we said to him: Lord, in all things thou makest us alive and hast mercy on us. Wilt thou now declare unto us that which we shall ask thee? Then said he unto us: Is it the flesh that passeth away, or is it the spirit? We said unto him: The flesh is it that passeth away. Then said he unto us: That which hath fallen shall rise again, and that which was lost shall be found, and that which was weak shall recover, that in these things that are so created the glory of my Father may be revealed. As he hath done unto me, so will I do unto all that believe in me.
John 10.38; 14.10-20; 17.21-23; Acts of John 100 (I in the Father and the Father in me).

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Re: The epistle of the apostles.

Post by Ben C. Smith »

Translation of the Coptic and Ethiopic (Part 2)

26. Verily I say unto you: the flesh shall arise, and the soul, alive, that their defence may come to pass on that day in regard of that that they have done, whether it be good or evil: that there may be a choosing-out of the faithful who have kept the commandments of my Father that sent me; and so shall the judgement be accomplished with strictness. For my Father said unto me: My Son, in the day of judgement thou shalt have no respect for the rich, neither pity for the poor, but according to the sins of every man shalt thou deliver him unto everlasting torment. But unto my beloved that have done the commandments of my Father that sent me will I give the rest of life in the kingdom of my Father which is in heaven, and they shall behold that which he hath given me. And he hath given me authority to do that which I will, and to give that which I have promised and determined to give and grant unto them.
2 Corinthians 5.10 (judgment according to deeds).
1 Thessalonians 1.4; 2 Peter 1.10 (his selection of you).
Matthew 10.15; 11.22, 24; 12.46; 2 Peter 2.9; 3.7; 1 John 4.17; Jude [1.]6 (the day of judgment).
Matthew 25.46 (into eternal punishment).
2 Clement 5.5 (the rest of the kingdom).
2 Clement 6.7 (finding rest).

27. For to that end went I down unto the place of Lazarus, and preached unto the righteous and the prophets, that they might come out of the rest which is below and come up into that which is above; and I poured out upon them with my right hand the water (?) (baptism, Eth.) of life and forgiveness and salvation from all evil, as I have done unto you and unto them that believe on me. But if any man believe on me and do not my commandments, although he have confessed my name, he hath no profit therefrom but runneth a vain race: for such will find themselves in perdition and destruction, because they have despised my commandments.
Luke 16.19-31 (the rich man and Lazarus).
1 Peter 3.19 (preaching to the spirits in prison).
Mark 1.4 = Luke 3.3; Acts 2.38; Barnabas 11.1 (baptism of forgiveness).
1 John 2.4 (not doing the commandments).
Galatians 2.2; Philippians 2.16 (running in vain).

28. But so much the more have I redeemed you, the children of light, from all evil and from the authority of the rulers (archons), and every one that believeth on me by your means. For that which I have promised unto you will I give unto them also, that they may come out of the prison-house and the fetters of the rulers. We answered and said: Lord, thou hast given unto us the rest of life and hast given us <joy?> by wonders, unto the confirmation of faith: wilt thou now preach the same unto us, seeing that thou hast preached it unto the <righteous> and the prophets? Then said he unto us: Verily I say unto you, all that have believed on me and that believe in him that sent me will I take up into the heaven, unto the place which my Father hath prepared for the elect, and I will give you the kingdom, the chosen kingdom, in rest, and everlasting life.
1 Corinthians 2.6-9 (the archons).
Matthew 3.12 = Luke 3.17; Mark 9.43 (unquenchable fire).
John 5.24; 9.4; 12.44; often elsewhere in John (him who sent me).
Matthew 24.22, 24, 31 = Mark 13.20, 22, 27; Luke 18.7; Romans 8.33; 1 Clement 1.1; 2.4; 6.1; 29.1; 46.4, 8; 49.5; 50.7; 52.2; 58.2; 59.2 (the elect).
2 Clement 5.5 (the rest of the kingdom).
2 Clement 6.7 (finding rest).
John 6.27; 10.28; 17.2; 1 John 5.11 (giving eternal life).

29. But all they that have offended against my commandments and have taught other doctrine, (perverting) the Scripture and adding thereto, striving after their own glory, and that teach with other words them that believe on me in uprightness, if they make them fall thereby, shall receive everlasting punishment. We said unto him: Lord, shall there then be teaching by others, diverse from that which thou hast spoken unto us ? He said unto us: It must needs be, that the evil and the good may be made manifest; and the judgement shall be manifest upon them that do these things, and according to their works shall they be judged and shall be delivered unto death. Again we said unto him: Lord, blessed are we in that we see thee and hear thee declaring such things, for our eyes have beheld these great wonders that thou hast done. He answered and said unto us: Yea, rather blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed, for they shall be called children of the kingdom, and they shall be perfect among the perfect, and I will be unto them life in the kingdom of my Father. Again we said unto him: Lord, how shall men be able to believe that thou wilt depart and leave us; for thou sayest unto us: There shall come a day and an hour when I shall ascend unto my Father?
Matthew 25.46 (eternal punishment).
1 Corinthians 11.19; 1 John 2.19 (distinguishing insiders from outsiders).
Romans 2.6; 2 Corinthians 11.15; 2 Timothy 4.14; 1 Peter 1.17; Revelation 2.23; 18.6; 20.12-13 (according to works).
Matthew 13.16-17 = Luke 10.23-24 (blessed are your eyes/ears).
John 20.29 (believing without seeing).
Matthew 8.12; 13.38 (sons of the kingdom).
Matthew 5.48 (be perfect). Refer also to Didache 16.2 (perfected at the end).
Matthew 13.43; 26.29 (kingdom of the father).
John 2.4; 4.21, 23; 5.25, 28; 7.30; 8.20; 12.23; 13.1; 16.2, 25, 32; 17.1 (the coming hour).
John 13.1; 14.12, 28; 16.10, 17, 28; 20.17 (going to the Father).

30. But he said unto us: Go ye and preach unto the twelve tribes, and preach also unto the heathen, and to all the land of Israel from the east to the west and from the south unto the north, and many shall believe on <me> the Son of God. But we said unto him: Lord, who will believe us, or hearken unto us, or (how shall we be able, Eth.) to teach the powers and signs and wonders which thou hast done ? Then answered he and said to us: Go ye and preach the mercifulness of my Father, and that which he hath done through me will I myself do through you, for I am in you, and I will give you my peace, and I will give you a power of my spirit, that ye may prophesy to them unto life eternal. And unto the others also will I give my power, that they may teach the residue of the peoples.
Matthew 28.19; Mark 16.15 (go and preach).
Genesis 49.28; Matthew 19.28; Luke 22.30; Acts 26.7; James 1.1; Revelation 21.12 (the twelve tribes of Israel).
Matthew 8.11 = Luke 13.29 (east and west, north and south). Refer also to Mark 16.21 (the shorter ending; east and west).
John 3.18; 9.35; 20.31; Acts 8.37; 1 John 5.5, 10, 13 (believing in the Son of God/Man).
Acts 2.22; 2 Corinthians 12.12; Hebrews 2.4 (powers and wonders and signs). Refer also to 2 Thessalonians 2.9 (power and signs and false wonders).
John 14.21; 20.21 (giving peace).
John 20.22; Acts 1.8; 2.17 (giving the spirit).

31. Six leaves lost in Copt.: Eth. continues. And behold a man shall meet you, whose name is Saul, which being interpreted is Paul: he is a Jew, circumcised according to the law, and he shall receive my voice from heaven with fear and terror and trembling. And his eyes shall be blinded, and by your hands by the sign of the cross shall they be protected (healed: other Eth. MSS. with spittle by your hands shall his eyes, &c.). Do ye unto him all that I have done unto you. Deliver it (? the word of God) unto the other. And at the same time that man shall open his eyes and praise the Lord, even my Father which is in heaven. He shall obtain power among the people and shall preach and instruct; and many that hear him shall obtain glory and be redeemed. But thereafter shall men be wroth with him and deliver him into the hands of his enemies, and he shall bear witness before kings that are mortal, and his end shall be that he shall turn unto me, whereas he persecuted me at the first. He shall preach and teach and abide with the elect, as a chosen vessel and a wall that shall not be overthrown, yea, the last of the last shall become a preacher unto the Gentiles, made perfect by the will of my Father. Like as ye have learned from the Scripture that your fathers the prophets spake of me, and in me it is indeed fulfilled. And he said unto us: Be ye also therefore guides unto them; and all things that I said unto you, and that ye write concerning me (tell ye them), that I am the word of the Father and that the Father is in me. Such also shall ye be unto that man, as becometh you. Instruct him and bring to his mind that which is spoken of me in the Scripture and is fulfilled, and thereafter shall he become the salvation of the Gentiles.
Acts 13.9 (Saul, also known as Paul).
Acts 21.39; 22.3 (Saul a Jew).
Philippians 3.5 (circumcised on the eighth day).
Acts 9.4; 22.7; 26.14 (the voice from heaven).
Acts 9.8-9; 22.11 (Saul's blindness).
Acts 9.18 (scales from the eyes).
Acts 9.15; 1 Clement 5.7 (before kings/rulers).
Acts 9.5; 22.7-8; 26.14-15; Galatians 1.13; 1 Corinthians 15.9 (Saul's/Paul's persecution of the church).
Acts 9.15 (a chosen instrument). Refer also to Jeremiah 1.18; 15.20 (people as walls).
Galatians 1.16; 2.8-9; Acts 26.17 (preacher to the gentiles).
John 10.38; 14.10-20; 17.21-23; Acts of John 100 (I in the Father and the Father in me).
Acts 13.47; 28.28 (salvation for the gentiles).

32. And we asked him: Lord, is there for us and for them the self-same expectation of the inheritance? He answered and said unto us: Are then the fingers of the hand like unto each other, or the ears of corn in the field, or do all fruit-trees bear the same fruit? Doth not every one bear fruit according to its nature? And we said unto him: Lord, wilt thou again speak unto us in parables? Then said he unto us: Lament not. Verily I say unto you, ye are my brethren, and my companions in the kingdom of heaven unto my Father, for so is his good pleasure. Verily I say unto you, unto them also whom ye teach and who believe on me will I give that expectation.
Ephesians 3.6 (gentiles as heirs).

33. And we asked him again: When shall we meet with that man, and when wilt thou depart unto thy Father and our God and Lord? He answered and said unto us: That man will come out of the land of Cilicia unto Damascus of Syria, to root up the church which ye must found there. It is I that speak through you; and he shall come quickly: and he shall become strong in the faith, that the word of the prophet may be fulfilled, which saith: Behold, out of Syria will I begin to call together a new Jerusalem, and Sion will I subdue unto me, and it shall be taken, and the place which is childless shall be called the son and daughter of my Father, and my bride. For so hath it pleased him that sent me. But that man will I turn back, that he accomplish not his evil desire, and the praise of my Father shall be perfected in him, and after that I am gone home and abide with my Father, I will speak unto him from heaven, and all things shall be accomplished which I have told you before concerning him.
Acts 21.39; 22.3; 23.34 (Paul of Tarsus in Cilicia).
Acts 9.2-3, 8, 10, 19, 22, 27; 22.5-6, 10-12; 26.20; 2 Corinthians 11.32; Galatians 1.17 (Paul at Damascus).
Galatians 1.23 (trying to destroy the faith).
John 12.38 (the word of the prophet fulfilled).
Revelation 3.12; 21.2, 10-27 (the new Jerusalem).
Hebrews 12.22 (the heavenly Jerusalem).
Galatians 4.26 (the Jerusalem above).
Isaiah 52.2 (captive daughter of Zion).
Isaiah 54.1; Galatians 4.27 (the barren in labor).
Acts 9.4; 22.7; 26.14 (the voice from heaven).

34. And we said unto him again: Lord, so many great things hast thou told us and revealed unto us as never yet were spoken, and in all hast thou given us rest and been gracious unto us. After thy resurrection thou didst reveal unto us all things that we might be saved indeed; but thou saidst unto us only: There shall be wonders and strange appearances in heaven and on earth before the end of the world come. Tell us now, how shall we perceive it? And he answered us: I will teach it you; and not that which shall befall you only, but them also whom ye shall teach and who shall believe, as well as them who shall hear that man and believe on me. In those years and days shall it come to pass. And we said again unto him: Lord, what shall come to pass? And he said unto us: Then shall they that believe and they that believe not hear (see, Eth.) a trumpet in the heaven, a vision of great stars which shall be seen in the day, wonderful sights in heaven reaching down to the earth; stars which fall upon the earth like fire, and a great and mighty hail of fire (a star shining from the east unto this place, like unto fire, Eth. 2). The sun and the moon fighting one with the other, a continual rolling and noise of thunders and lightnings, thunder and earthquake; cities falling and men perishing in their overthrow, a continual dearth for lack of rain, a terrible pestilence and great mortality, mighty and untimely, so that they that die lack burial: and the bearing forth of brethren and sisters and kinsfolk shall be upon one bier. The kinsman shall show no favour to his kinsman, nor any man to his neighbour. And they that were overthrown shall rise up and behold them that overthrew them, that they lack burial, for the pestilence shall be full of hatred and pain and envy: and men shall take from one and give to another. And thereafter shall it wax yet worse than before. (Bewail ye them that have not hearkened unto my commandments, Eth. 2.)
Matthew 24.3, 29 = Mark 13.3-4, 24-25 = Luke 21.7, 25-26; Didache 16.6 (the signs of the consummation of the age).
Matthew 24.31; 1 Corinthians 15.52; 1 Thessalonians 4.16; Hebrews 12.18-19; Revelation 8.2, 6; Didache 16.6 (the trumpet).
Revelation 6.13; 8.10; 9.1 (falling stars).
Revelation 8.7 (hail and fire).
Revelation 11.19; 16.21 (hailstones).
Matthew 24.7 = Mark 13.8 = Luke 21.11; Revelation 6.12; 8.5; 11.19; 16.18 (earthquakes).
Revelation 11.13; 16.19 (falling cities).
Matthew 10.34-36 = Luke 12.51-53 (families set against each other).

35. Then shall my Father be wroth at the wickedness of men, for many are their transgressions, and the abomination of their uncleanness weigheth heavy upon them in the corruption of their life. And we asked him: What of them that trust in thee? He answered and said unto us: Ye are yet slow of heart; and how long? Verily I say unto you, as the prophet David spake of me and of my people, so shall it be (?) for them also that believe on me. But they that are deceivers in the world and enemies of righteousness, upon them shall come the fulfilment of the prophecy of David, who said: Their feet are swift to shed blood, their tongue uttereth slander, adders' poison is under their lips. I behold thee companying with thieves, and partaking with adulterers, thou continuest speaking against thy brother and puttest stumbling-blocks before thine own mother's son. What thinkest thou, that I shall be like unto thee? Behold now how the prophet of God hath spoken of all, that all things may be fulfilled which he said aforetime.
Luke 24.25 (slow of heart).
Acts 13.10 (deceit, enemies of righteousness).
Psalm 13.3 LXX (feet quick to shed blood; venom of serpents under lips). Refer also to Isaiah 59.7; Romans 3.15.
Psalm 50.19 (49.19 LXX) (a tongue weaving deceipt).
Psalm 50.18 (49.18 LXX) (thief and adulterer).
Psalm 50.20 (49.20 LXX) (slandering your mother's son).
Psalm 50.21 (49.21 LXX) (like unto you).

36. And again we said unto him: Lord, will not then the nations say: Where is their God? And he answered and said unto us: Thereby shall the elect be known, that they, being plagued with such afflictions, come forth. We said: Will then their departure out of the world be by a pestilence which giveth them pain? He answered us: Nay, but if they suffer such affliction, it will be a proving of them, whether they have faith and remember these my sayings, and fulfil my commandments. These shall arise, and short will be their expectation, that he may be glorified that sent me, and I with him. For he hath sent me unto you to tell you these things; and that ye may impart them unto Israel and the Gentiles and they may hear, and they also be redeemed and believe on me and escape the woe of the destruction. But whoso escapeth from the destruction of death, him will they take and hold him fast in the prison-house in torments like the torments of a thief. And we said unto him: Lord, will they that believe be treated like the unbelievers, and wilt thou punish them that have escaped from the pestilence? And he said unto us: If they that believe in my name deal like the sinners, then have they done as though they had not believed. And we said again to him: Lord, have they on whom this lot hath fallen no life? He answered and said unto us: Whoso hath accomplished the praise of my Father, he shall abide in the resting-place of my Father.
Psalm 79.10 (78.10 LXX) (where is your God?).
Wisdom of Solomon 3.2 (their departure an affliction).
James 1.3; 1 Peter 1.7 (the testing of faith).
John 14.15, 21; 15.10 (keep my commandments).
John 13.31-32; 14.13 (glorified).
John 14.23 (the abode of Father and Son).

37. Then said we unto him: Lord, teach us what shall come to pass thereafter? And he answered us: In those years and days shall war be kindled upon war; the four ends of the earth shall be in commotion and fight against each other. Thereafter shall be quakings of clouds (or, clouds of locusts), darkness, and dearth, and persecutions of them that believe on me and against the elect. Thereupon shall come doubt and strife and transgressions against one another. And there shall be many that believe on my name and yet follow after evil and spread vain doctrine. And men shall follow after them and their riches, and be subject unto their pride, and lust for drink, and bribery, and there shall be respect of persons among them.
Matthew 24.7 = Mark 13.8 = Luke 21.11 (famines).

38. But they that desire to behold the face of God and respect not the persons of the rich sinners, and are not ashamed before the people that lead them astray, but rebuke (?) them, they shall be crowned by the Father. And they also shall be saved that rebuke their neighbours, for they are sons of wisdom and of faith. But if they become not children of wisdom, whoso hateth his brother and persecuteth him and showeth him no favour, him will God despise and reject. Copt. resumes. But they that walk in truth and in the knowledge of the faith, and have love towards me--for they have endured insult--they shall be praised for that they walk in poverty and endure them that hate them and put them to shame. Men have stripped them naked, for they despised them because they continued in hunger and thirst, but after they have endured patiently, they shall have the blessedness of heaven, and they shall be with me for ever. But woe unto them that walk in pride and boasting, for their end is perdition.
2 John [1.]4; 3 John [1.]3-4 (walking in truth).
Matthew 5.2-12 = Luke 6.20-23 (the beatitudes).
1 Thessalonians 4.17 (forever with the Lord).
Philippians 3.19 (their end is destruction).

39. And we said unto him: Lord, is this thy purpose, that thou leavest us, to come upon them? (Will all this come to pass, Eth.) Hc answered and said unto us: After what manner shall the judgement be? whether righteous or unrighteous? (In Copt. and Eth. the general sense is the same: but the answer of Jesus in the form of a question is odd, and there is probably a corruption.) We said unto him: Lord, in that day they will say unto thee: Thou hast not distinguished between (probably: will they not say unto thee: Thou hast distinguished between) righteousness and unrighteousness, between the light and the darkness, and evil and good? Then said he: I will answer them and say: Unto Adam was power given to choose one of the two: he chose the light and laid his hand thereon, but the darkness he left behind him and cast away from him. Therefore have all men power to believe in the light which is life, and which is the Father that hath sent me. And every one that believeth and doeth the works of the light shall live in them; but if there be any that confesseth that he belongeth unto the light, and doeth the works of darkness, such an one hath no defence to utter, neither can he lift up his face to look upon the Son of God, which Son am I. For I will say unto him: As thou soughtest, so hast thou found, and as thou askedst, so hast thou received. Therefore condemnest thou me, O man? Wherefore hast thou departed from me and denied me? And wherefore hast thou confessed me and yet denied me? hath not every man power to live and to die? Whoso then hath kept my commandments shall be a son of the light, that is, of the Father that is in me. But because of them that corrupt my words am I come down from heaven. I am the word: I became flesh, and I wearied myself (or, suffered) and taught, saying: The heavy laden shall be saved, and they that are gone astray shall go astray for ever. They shall be chastised and tormented in their flesh and in their soul.
Acts 24.15 (the righteous and the wicked).
Deuteronomy 30.15; Wisdom of Sirach 15.16-17 (choose).
John 12.36 (believe in the light).
John 1.4 (life and light).
Leviticus 18.5; Galatians 3.12; Romans 10.5 (living by them).
Romans 13.12; Ephesians 5.11 (deeds of darkness).
John 10.36 (I am the son of God).
Matthew 7.7-8 = Luke 11.9-10 (ask, seek, knock).
Titus 1.16 (denying me).
John 14.15, 21; 15.10 (keep my commandments).
Luke 16.8; John 12.36; Ephesians 5.8; 1 Thessalonians 5.5 (the sons/children of light).
John 10.38; 14.10-20; 17.21-23; Acts of John 100 (I in the Father and the Father in me).
John 1.14 (the word became flesh).

40. And we said unto him: O Lord, verily we are sorrowful for their sake. And he said unto us: Ye do rightly, for the righteous are sorry for the sinners, and pray for them, making prayer unto my Father. Again we said unto him: Lord, is there none that maketh intercession unto thee (so Eth.)? And he said unto us: Yea, and I will hearken unto the prayer of the righteous which they make for them. When he had so said unto us, we said to him: Lord, in all things hast thou taught us and had mercy on us and saved us, that we might preach unto them that are worthy to be saved, and that we might obtain a recompense with thee. (Shall we be partakers of a recompense from thee? Eth.)
James 5.16 (the prayer of a righteous man).
Matthew 5.12 (your reward is great).

41. He answered and said unto us: Go and preach, and ye shall be labourers, and fathers, and ministers. We said unto him: Thou art he (or, Art thou he) that shalt preach by us. (Lord, thou art our father. Eth.) Then answered he us, saying: Be not (or, Are not ye) all fathers or all masters. (Are then all fathers, or all servants, or all masters? Eth.) We said unto him: Lord, thou art he that saidst unto us: Call no man your father upon earth, for one is your Father, which is in heaven, and your master. Wherefore sayest thou now unto us: Ye shall be fathers of many children, and servants and masters? He answered and said unto us: According as ye have said (Ye have rightly said, Eth.). For verily I say unto you: whosoever shall hear you and believe on me, shall receive of you the light of the seal through me, and baptism through me: ye shall be fathers and servants and masters.
Matthew 9.37-38 = Luke 10.2; Matthew 10.10 = Luke 10.7 (the workers).
Matthew 23.8-11 (do not be called rabbi or leader).
1 Corinthians 4.15 (I became your father).

42. But we said unto him: Lord, how may it be that every one of us should be these three? He said unto us: Verily I say unto you: Ye shall be called fathers, because with praiseworthy heart and in love ye have revealed unto them the things of the kingdom of heaven. And ye shall be called servants, because they shall receive the baptism of life and the remission of their sins at my hand through you. And ye shall be called masters, because ye have given them the word without grudging, and have admonished them, and when ye admonished them, they turned themselves (were converted). Ye were not afraid of their riches, nor ashamed before their face, but ye kept the commandments of my Father and fulfilled them. And ye shall have a great reward with my Father which is in heaven, and they shall have forgiveness of sins and everlasting life, and be partakers in the kingdom of heaven. And we said unto him: Lord, even if every one of us had ten thousand tongues to speak withal, we could not thank thee, for that thou promisest such things unto us. Then answered he us, saying: Only do ye that which I say unto you, even as I myself also have done it.
Mark 1.4 = Luke 3.3; Acts 2.38; Barnabas 11.1 (baptism of forgiveness).
Matthew 5.12 = Luke 6.23 (great is your reward).
Theophilus of Antioch, To Autolycus 2.12 (ten thousand tongues and ten thousand mouths).
John 13.15 (do as I did to you).

43. And ye shall be like the wise virgins which watched and slept not, but went forth unto the lord into the bridechamber: but the foolish virgins were not able to watch, but slumbered. And we said unto him: Lord, who are the wise and who are the foolish? He said unto us: Five wise and five foolish; for these are they of whom the prophet hath spoken: Sons of God are they. Hear now their names. But we wept and were troubled for them that slumbered. He said unto us: The five wise are Faith and Love and Grace and Peace and Hope. Now they of the faithful which possess this (these) shall be guides unto them that have believed on me and on him that sent me. For I am the Lord and I am the bridegroom whom they have received, and they have entered in to the house of the bridegroom and are laid down with me in the bridal chamber rejoicing. But the five foolish, when they had slept and had awaked, came unto the door of the bridal chamber and knocked, for the doors were shut. Then did they weep and lament that no man opened unto them. We said unto him: Lord, and their wise sisters that were within in the bridegroom's house, did they continue without opening unto them, and did they not sorrow for their sakes nor entreat the bridegroom to open unto them? He answered us, saying: They were not yet able to obtain favour for them. We said unto him: Lord, on what day shall they enter in for their sisters' sake? Then said he unto us: He that is shut out, is shut out. And we said unto him: Lord, is this word (determined?). Who then are the foolish? He said unto us: Hear their names. They are Knowledge, Understanding (Perception), Obedience, Patience, and Compassion. These are they that slumbered in them that have believed and confessed me but have not fulfilled my commandments.
Matthew 25.1-13 (the wise and foolish virgins).
Psalm 82.6 (sons of the Most High).

44. On account of them that have slumbered, they shall remain outside the kingdom and the fold of the shepherd and his sheep. But whoso shall abide outside the sheepfold, him will the wolves devour, and he shall be (condemned?) and die in much affliction: in him shall be no rest nor endurance, and (Eth.) although he be hardly punished, and rent in pieces and devoured in long and evil torment, yet shall he not be able to obtain death quickly.
John 10.1-18 (the good shepherd).
Matthew 7.15; Matthew 10.16 = Luke 10.3; Acts 20.29 (wolves).
Revelation 14.10-11 (torment).

45. And we said unto him: Lord, well hast thou revealed all this unto us. Then answered he us, saying: Understand ye not (or, Ye understand not) these words? We said unto him: Yea, Lord. By five shall men enter into thy kingdom <and by five shall men remain without>: notwithstanding, they that watched were with thee the Lord and bridegroom, even though they rejoiced not because of them that slumbered (yet will they have no pleasure, because of, Eth.). He said unto us: They will indeed rejoice that they have entered in with the bridegroom, the Lord; and they are sorrowful because of them that slumbered, for they are their sisters. For all ten are daughters of God, even the Father. Then said we unto him: Lord, is it then for thee to show them favour on account of their sisters? (It becometh thy majesty to show them favour, Eth.) He said unto us: <It is not mine,> but his that sent me, and I am consenting with him (It is not yours, &c., Eth.).
Mark 8.17 (understanding).

46. But be ye upright and preach rightly and teach, and be not abashed by any man and fear not any man, and especially the rich, for they do not my commandments, but boast themselves (swell) in their riches. And we said unto him: Lord, tell us if it be the rich only. He answered, saying unto us: If any man who is not rich and possesseth a small livelihood giveth unto the poor and needy, men will call him a benefactor.
Matthew 19.16-26 = Mark 10.17-27 = Luke 18.18-27 (the rich man/ruler).
Luke 6.24 (woe to the rich).
Luke 12.15 (against greed).
James 1.9-11; 2.1-7 (rich and poor).
Shepherd of Hermas, Similitude 9.20.1-3 (the rich and the kingdom).
Shepherd of Hermas, Vision 1.1.8 (glorying in riches).
Shepherd of Hermas, Vision 3.9.6 (glorying in wealth).

47. But if any man fall under the load <because> of sin that he hath committed, then shall his neighbour correct him because of the good that he hath done unto his neighbour. And if his neighbour correct him and he return, he shall be saved, and he that corrected him shall receive a reward and live for ever. For a needy man, if he see him that hath done him good sin, and correct him not, shall be judged with severe judgement. Now if a blind man lead a blind, they both fall into a ditch: and whoso respecteth persons for their sake, shall be as the two <blind>, as the prophet hath said: Woe unto them that respect persons and justify the ungodly for reward, even they whose God is their belly. Behold that judgement shall be their portion. For verily I say unto you: On that day will I neither have respect unto the rich nor pity for the poor.
James 5.19-20 (saving a soul from death).
Matthew 15.14 = Luke 6.39 (the blind leading the blind).
Isaiah 5.23 (bribery for the wicked).
Philippians 3.19 (whose god is their belly).

48. If thou behold a sinner, admonish him betwixt him and thee: (if he hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother, Eth.) and if he hear thee not, then take to thee another, as many as three, and instruct thy brother: again, if he hear thee not, let him be unto thee (Copt. defective from this point.) as an heathen man or a publican.
Matthew 18.15-17 (correcting a brother).

49. If thou hear aught against thy brother, give it no credence; slander not, and delight not in hearing slander. For thus it is written: Suffer not thine ear to receive aught against thy brother: but if thou seest aught, correct him, rebuke him, and convert him. And we said unto him: Lord, thou hast in all things taught us and warned us. But, Lord, concerning the believers, even them to whom it belongeth to believe in the preaching of thy name: is it determined that among them also there shall be doubt and division, jealousy, confusion, hatred, and envy? For thou sayest: They shall find fault with one another and respect the person of them that sin, and hate them that rebuke them. And he answered and said unto us: How then shall the judgement come about, that the corn should be gathered into the garner and the chaff thereof cast into the fire?
Matthew 3.12 = Luke 3.17; Matthew 13.30 (wheat to the barn, chaff to the fire).

50. They that hate such things, and love me and rebuke them that fulfil not my commandments, shall be hated and persecuted and despised and mocked. Men will of purpose speak of them that which is not true, and will band themselves together against them that love me. But these will rebuke them, that they may be saved. But them that will rebuke and chasten and warn them, them will they (the others) hate, and thrust them aside, and despise them, and hold themselves far from them that wish them good. But they that endure such things shall be like unto the martyrs with the Father, because they have striven for righteousness, and have not striven for corruption. And we asked him: Lord, shall such things be among us? And he answered us: Fear not; it shall not be in many, but in a few. We said unto him: Yet tell us, in what manner it shall come to pass. And he said unto us: There shall come forth another doctrine, and a eonfusion, and because they shall strive after their own advancement, they shall bring forth an unprofitable doctrine. And therein shall be a deadly corruption (of uncleanness), and they shall teach it, and shall turn away them that believe on me from my commandments and cut them off from eternal life. But woe unto them that falsify this my word and commandment, and draw away them that hearken to them from the life of the doctrine and separate themselves from the commandment of life: for together with them they shall come into everlasting judgement.
Matthew 10.22 (hated by all).
1 Corinthians 11.19; Romans 16.17; Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho 35; Syrian Didascalia 6.5 (there shall be schisms).
John 7.18 (seeking his own glory).

51. And when he had said this, and had finished his discourse with us, he said unto us again: Behold, on the third day and at the third hour shall he come which hath sent me, that I may depart with him. And as he so spake, there was thunder and lightning and an earthquake, and the heavens parted asunder, and there appeared a light (bright) cloud which bore him up. And there came voices of many angels, rejoicing and singing praises and saying: Gather us, O Priest, unto the light of the majesty. And when they drew nigh unto the firmament, we heard his voice saying unto us: Depart hence in peace.
Mark 16.19-20 = Luke 24.50-53; Acts 1.9 (the ascension).
Hebrews 2.17; 3.1; 4.14-15; 5.5-6, 10; 6.20; 8.1, 3-4; 9.11; 10.11-12, 21; 1 Clement 36.1; 61.3; 64.1 (Jesus as priest).
Mark 5.34 = Luke 8.48; Acts 16.36; James 2.16 (go in peace).

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Ben C. Smith
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Re: The epistle of the apostles.

Post by Ben C. Smith »

Being unable to do much with the Ethiopic and Coptic texts, I spent most of my time compiling and checking the cross references.
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Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:47 am

Re: The epistle of the apostles.

Post by WillyB »

Looks like great work and I am very interested in this text. This is not the first English translation though. It's a chapter of this book: ... 0664244289
I so far only compared the line that gives the date for the second coming. You have 'part' where he has 'completion'. I keep thinking if it's 100x20 rather than 100+20 it may explain a lot of recent turmoil, although I guess the year of crucifixion is also a subject of debate...
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