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Why the original, "proto-Gospel" was a Baptism Gospel

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 12:55 pm
by Joseph D. L.
  • Paul's teaching is almost solely on the importance of baptism
  • John the Baptist and Jesus are the same figure
  • Secret Mark has baptism as the initiation ritual for the higher mysteries
  • The use of ships and anchors in early Christian symbolism, as well as Marcion's role as a "mariner", to emphasize the importance of water in the Gospels (baptism, Sea of Galilee, turning water into wine, sweating blood, water and blood gushing forth from Jesus, Paul's shipwreck, etc.)
  • Gospels indicative of certain primer features are known to have existed, (infancy, sayings, crucifixion, descent into hell, etc.) yet a Gospel about baptism is mysterious absent
  • Baptism is intrinsically tied to the deluge of Genesis 7-8 which begins a new dispensation