The Vatican’s Lavender Mafia

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The Vatican’s Lavender Mafia

Post by Irish1975 »

Has anyone else read Frederic Martel’s In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hyprocrisy (2019; tr. from the French ‘Sodoma’)?

I’m several chapters in. It’s a bit repetitive, but full of colorful, damning information. Explains a lot about the Church.
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Re: The Vatican’s Lavender Mafia

Post by Irish1975 »

Alas it is not a well edited book. But still very important. Tons of interviews with named Vatican insiders, with a deep knowledge of 20th century Catholicism in France, Italy, Chile, Poland, etc.

These are the essential findings, in Martel’s own words—

1. For a long time the priesthood was the ideal escape-route for young homosexuals. Homosexuality is one of the keys to their vocation.

2. Homosexuality spreads the closer one gets to the holy of holies; there are more and more homosexuals as one rises through the Catholic hierarchy. In the College of Cardinals and at the Vatican, the preferential selection process is said to be perfected; homosexuality becomes the rule, heterosexuality the exception.

3. The more vehemently opposed a cleric is to gays, the stronger his homophobic obsession, the more likely it is that he is insincere, and that his vehemence conceals something. ‘The lady doth protest too much, methinks.’

4. The more pro-gay a cleric is, the less likely he is to be gay; the more homophobic a cleric is, the more likely he is to be homosexual.

5. Rumors, gossip, settling of scores, revenge and sexual harassment are rife in the Holy See. The gay question is one of the mainsprings of these plots.

6. Behind the majority of cases of sexual abuse there are priests and bishops who have protected the aggressors because of their own homosexuality and out of fear that it might be revealed in the event of a scandal. The culture of secrecy that was needed to maintain silence about the high prevalence of homosexuality in the Church has allowed sexual abuse to be hidden and predators to act.

7. The most gay-friendly cardinals, bishops and priests, the ones who talk little about the homosexual question, are generally heterosexual.

8. In prostitution in Rome between priests and Arab escorts, two sexual poverties come together: the profound sexual frustration of Catholic priests is echoed in the constraints of Islam, which make heterosexual acts outside of marriage difficult for a young Muslim.

9. The homophiles of the Vatican generally move from chastity towards homosexuality; homosexuals never go into reverse gear and become homophilic.

10. Homosexual priests and theologians are much more inclined to impose priestly celibacy than their heterosexual co-religionists. They are very concerned to have this vow of chastity respected, even though it is intrinsically against nature.

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Re: The Vatican’s Lavender Mafia

Post by Irish1975 »

“Why won’t the Church modernize its teachings about women, sex, celibacy, etc. etc.”

The simple answer is that the Vatican would have to unilaterally give away its power if it made any of those changes. This would violated what is sometimes called the “Iron Law of Institutions.” Those who control an institution never do that which would essentially and permanently undermine their own power. The all-male celibate hierarchy is the heart and soul of the Church’s gay power elite.
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