Proto-Mythology Of Canaan/Egypt/Med

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Proto-Mythology Of Canaan/Egypt/Med

Post by yakovzutolmai »

After a series of comparative readings from many Mediterranean religious cultures, a single narrative emerges from which one can derive the multitude of Mediterranean Theogonies.
  • The Cosmos is an ocean of chaos
  • The primordial being is a serpent which travels this ocean
  • This being has a male and female aspect
  • The copulation of these two aspects creates monsters, sea serpents, etc.
  • Together, the serpents create a bubble of air among the waters. The male serpent is coiled as the sky, and the celestial lights reside upon its scales and move with it as it travels in its spirals. The female is the Earth, and the mountains are among its scales.
  • The two entities are separated thanks to a great heroic being who serves as the Axis Mundi. The being is Hyperion and is the embodiment of light itself. Because they are separated, the serpents no longer reproduce (effected elsewhere by Cronus having castrated Uranus).
  • The axis mundi is the great shaman/craftsman, celestial governor, and emanates from an unseen god who exists beyond the firmament.
  • The son of Hyperion is the solar disk and other celestial entities. Nightly, Hyperion offers his son Helios - the solar bull - as propitiation to the serpent Uranus's hunger. Nightly, the solar child rules the underworld until by way of the shamanic magic of Hyperion and his consort Sophia, he resurrects.
  • Within this religious system, one may worship the sky serpent or the shaman. They are both powerful, each rules their own season. They are rivals and caught in an eternal stalemate.
  • Alternatively, Hyperion can be represented as himself a serpent, a son of Uranus. Thir rivalry and the rest remains unchanged.
Consider Zeus as a retelling of Cronus against Uranus. The story even has its version of the propitiation. We also see this template with Hadad. Min/Minos/Amun. Khasis/Ptah/Daedalus/Kave. Zahhak/Typhon/Seth. Caduceus the double serpent entwining the Axis Mundi. Hercules supplanting Atlas. Countless others.

What interests me most about this would be the idea of Hyperion and Uranus as rivals, where Hyperion as Logos is the Son of some god beyond the firmament who opposes Uranus the serpent. We can find the prototype of Marcion's Christ against Yahweh, possibly far back in history.
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