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Hello Forum, Morton

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2021 3:48 am
by StephenGoranson
Morton Smith here. I don’t write letters often now that I’m dead, dying as a registered Episcopalian priest and a “cultured despiser of religion,” if I may borrow from Schleiermacher. I see, still talking about my Clement letter. Alright. I mean the Clement letter. Only letter.
Didn’t fool Scholem, Nock, Lieberman, as well as some miscellaneous riffraff. But if you defend it, please: “strange things happen, ergo the letter happened?” Assigning it to some anonymous hack after Eusebius? It took, I mean, it would take, expertise and misdirection, people. Give the creator his due.
By the way, I buried a case of jewels, just 20 paces due east of…..