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The Records of Jesus in the Light of Ancient Accounts of Revered Men

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:35 pm
by neilgodfrey

In trying to understand Reimarus I had to confront four facts. First, comparing Reimarus's efforts with later ones including those of the New Quest I found that the common distinction between an allegedly improper interest in the life of Jesus and a seemingly proper interest in the public career of Jesus was an apologetic excuse. It was of little value because most people interested in the historical Jesus had been aware of the fact that the major part of Jesus' biographical life was unrecoverable and that, therefore, the interest had to focus on Jesus' public career as the essence of Jesus' life. This selective concentration of the gospels was not that different from what the Hellenistic world understood as interest in the bios of some- one, that is, not life in the sense of an extended series of events, but rather the essence of somebody's life.5

5I have dealt with this topic in "The Records of Jesus in the Light of Ancient Accounts of Revered Men," in Lane C. McGaughy, ed., SBL 1972 Seminar Papers (Missoula, MT: Scholars Press, 1972) 527-42.

Source: Georgi, Dieter. “The Interest in Life of Jesus Theology as a Paradigm for the Social History of Biblical Criticism.” The Harvard Theological Review 85, no. 1 (1992): 52-53.

Another reference:

. . . . and in another realm D. Georgi, “The Records of Jesus in the Light of Ancient Accounts of Revered Men," in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Literature [Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1972], 538- 39) in which the chain of tradition ends with Hillel and Shammai and the Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai pericope is an entirely separate literary source. . . .

Source: Boyrain, Daniel. “The Diadoche of the Rabbis; or, Judah the Patriarch at Yavneh.” In Jewish Culture and Society Under the Christian Roman Empire. Peeters, 2003. p. 305

I am slipping. Here's another article or chapter I have been unable to locate online. Is there another kind soul who can point me to D. Georgi's "The Records of Jesus in the light of Ancient Accounts of Revered Men" somewhere online before I give up and purchase an interlibrary loan or copy, please?

Thanks again