Paul’s Silly Seeds

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robert j
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Joined: Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:01 pm

Paul’s Silly Seeds

Post by robert j »

To Paul’s claim ----

Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed (σπέρματι). It does not say "and to seeds (σπέρμασιν)" as of many but "and to your seed (σπέρματί)" as of one, who is Christ. (Galatians 3:16).

Both then and now, in both Greek and English, “seed” in the singular form can mean one seed or a mass of seed. The plural can often be expressed equally well with “seed” or “seeds”. But in some situations, “seeds” works better or sounds better.

And the scriptures are explicit and clear regarding the nature of Abraham’s seed as a multitude ---

That the land which you see, I will give it to you, and to your seed (σπέρματί, singular) unto the eon. And I will make your seed (σπέρμα, singular) as the sand of the earth. If anyone is able to count out the sand of the earth, then they shall count out your seed (σπέρμα, singular). (Genesis 13:15-16, LXX)

As if counting grains of sand wasn’t clear enough, the “seed” of Abraham as a multitude is expressed again in this passage ---

And he led him outside, and said to him, look up indeed into the heaven, and count out the stars, if you are able to count them! And he said, thus will be your seed (σπέρμα, singular). And Abram trusted in God … (Genesis 15:5-6, LXX)

Some commentators fall-all-over themselves trying to cut Paul some slack here.

When similar Jew-Gentile issues are revisited in Romans, the author was wise enough to drop any explicit mention of Paul’s silly seed argument.

I suspect some among the Galatians --- those apparently well-versed in the scriptures --- would have found Paul’s word game to be ridiculous.
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