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Ignored Report on Those Who Divide Jesus and Christ

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 2:52 pm
by Secret Alias
In the same way, also, when it defines the very Christ to be but one, it shakes the fancies of those who exhibit a multiform Christ, who make Christ to be one being and Jesus another (qui alium faciunt Christum alium Iesum),----representing one as escaping out of the midst of the crowds (alium elapsum de mediis turbis), and the other as detained by them (alium detentum); one as appearing on a solitary mountain to three companions, clothed with glory in a cloud (alium in secessu montis in ambitu nubis sub tribus arbitris clarum), the other as an ordinary man (alium ceteris passivum) holding intercourse with all, one as magnanimous (alium magnanimum), but the other as timid (alium vero trepidantem); lastly, one as suffering death, the other as risen again, by means of which event they maintain a resurrection of their own also, only in another flesh. (On the Flesh of Christ 14)