It was John who started the narrative

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It was John who started the narrative

Post by mlinssen »

Funny how I have been conversing with James David Audlin for years and read hundreds of pages of his work yet somehow never managed to check out the Restoration

First off: James went through all kinds of MSS in all kinds of languages, disregarding (or rather, following up on) the rejection by the Church of those.
James is following his own path, and an awful lot of Judaic elements are in there. But let me give you just the Prologue:

Night going into Dawn; Sunday, 1 April 29

1:1 Since the beginning the word has been,
And the word has been with God,
And the word has been godly.
1:2 It/She has been from the beginning with God.
1:3 With it/her the wholeness has been made
And apart from it/her nothing at all has been made.
1:4 What was made in it/her were lives,
And the lives were the dawning of the children of humanity.
1:5 And the light is enlightening in the darkness,
And the darkness (is) not joined with it.
1:7 It/She came to bear witness about the nature of the light,
Therefore of the wholeness, so they might believe in her gate.
1:8 He was not the light; rather, he testified about the nature of the light.
1:9 The light/man of truth, which/who enlightens every person, was coming into the cosmos.
1:10 It/He was existing in the cosmos
And the cosmos came to be through it,
And (yet) the cosmos was not aware of it/him.
1:11 It/He came into its own, but its/his own did not grasp onto it/him.
1:12 But to those who grasped it,
The ones believing in its/his name,
It/He gave to them the right to become children of God,
1:13 Who become (such)
Not out of bloods (i.e., racial ancestries),
Nor out of a natural will,
Nor out of a man’s desire,
But out of God.
1:14 And the declaration manifested itself in flesh,
And tabernacled among/within us,
And we observed its/his song of praise,
A song of praise as of the original created one, fatherlike,
And filled out with grace and truth.
1:16 For out of its/his having become complete we all grasped onto
Grace complementing grace.
1:17 For the Law was given through Moses;
Grace and truth came through Jesus the anointed one.
1:18 No one has ever yet beheld God;
The original created child who is in the bosom of the father, he led the way.

The "god" doesn't belong, and 1:17 evidently doesn't do so either

John took Thomas into a poetic narrative,
Marcion hijacked that and threw much more Thomas at it,
then the Romans came and Judaised it all

That's all folks. Now I have to find some arguments for that first step so I can turn that opinion into a substantiated claim

I know, crazy right?
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Re: It was John who started the narrative

Post by Giuseppe »

I know only an argument for Johannine priority, and one very strong: Barabbas. It works as the classical "nail on the head", as the Americans say.
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Re: It was John who started the narrative

Post by John T »

Audlin obviously has not read the Community Rule, 1QS. He/she/it does appear to have read the Big Book of Woke regarding acceptable pronouns by the left-wing fanatics. Still, I will grant the prologue was not written by John.

But yeah, it is crazy.

Perhaps you could recommend to Audlin that he/she/it read: Partings, How Judaism and Christianity Became Two ...Hershel Shanks, editor.

By the way were any of those MSS in Braille?
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Re: It was John who started the narrative

Post by schillingklaus »

J and C had never been one at any point of history, only in the fantasy of uncritical scholars like Ehrman.
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