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"Great Synagogue (Temple of Osiris) at Tunis, Tunisia"

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 8:55 am
by billd89
A Jewish website offers this curious qualification. What's the background on the "Temple of Osiris" claim?

Re: "Great Synagogue (Temple of Osiris) at Tunis, Tunisia"

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:43 am
by StephenGoranson
"French philanthropist Daniel Osiris agreed to endow the construction."

Re: "Great Synagogue (Temple of Osiris) ...

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:53 am
by billd89
That's hilarious, what a coincidence.

Regarding the god of the Jews, Lydus relates:
There has been and still is much disagreement among the theologians regarding the god who is worshiped by the Hebrews. For the Egyptians — and Hermes [Trismegistus] first of all — theologize that he is Osiris, “the one who exists,”...

Some Egyptians (c.35 BC - 40 AD?) theologized {θεολογοῦσιν} that Iao (or YHWH?) was Osiris, after Hermes' declaration. I am curious where/how that might be evidenced/elaborated in any N.African synagogues, given:

a) The Jewish Therapeutae, reportedly resident very near Taposiris, w/ a major Temple of Osiris.
b) Alexandrian Jews' folkore re: the Gardens of Adonis/Osiris.
c) Pagan religious artifacts found with Jewish objects, at suspect synagogue sites.
d) Other references (whatever I have missed, etc.)